Real world mathematics to develop empathy and problem solving skills
All students must develop a positive mathematical identity that allows them to view themselves as learners and doers of mathematics.
Classroom structures should emphasise an inclusive mathematics community in which every student has a voice and equity-based teaching practices benefit all students.
A Personalised learning approach should aim to offer learning experiences that customise education to an individual’s unique needs and interests while fostering connections to a larger community of learners.
Technology should support, enhance, and transform - not replace - the role of the teacher in the classroom.
We believe that that the right classroom structures are essential to ensuring that all students have a mathematical voice in the classroom. We’ve implemented the following design elements in order to support all students in participating in grade-level mathematics.
We believe that pedagogically informed instruction will improve learning outcomes for all students.
Facilitate collaborative mathematics in your classroom through culturally relevant contexts.
Visual design features to increase readability
Opportunities for teachers to amplify language so students can make their own meaning
Opportunities for students to describe their mathematical thinking to others, orally, visually, and in writing
Opportunities and supports for constructive mathematical conversations in pairs, groups, and as a class
Opportunities and supports for students to reflect and identify thinking processes involved in problem solving