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Introduction to Area


Using unit squares

Unit squares are special squares that help us work out the area of shapes. We call them unit squares because they have sides measuring $1$1 unit,  but we don't need to know the unit of measurement.

How we use them

If we have a two-dimensional shape (2D), we can work out how much space it takes up (the area), by seeing how many unit squares fit inside the shape. In the video, you'll see how we do this, as well as how we can add up parts of unit squares.

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Worked Examples

Question 1

Find the area of the shape.

  1. $\editable{}$ units2

Question 2

Find the area of the shape.

  1. $\editable{}$ units2

Question 3

Find the area of the shape.

  1. $\editable{}$ units2


We don't need to know the unit of measurement when we use unit squares. We can also add up parts of unit squares, if they are not complete squares.

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