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Hong Kong
Stage 1

Order decimal numbers with tenths


Ordering decimals

When we order decimals, we can use the same ideas we used when we compared decimals with tenths.  Just like when we order whole numbers, such as units, once we've worked out which number is larger or smaller, we can place them in order from largest to smallest or smallest to largest. If we have more than two numbers to order, we can do this in steps.

When we're ordering tenths, we could imagine what they look like on a fraction wall. For example, here are pictures of $0.9$0.9, $0.2$0.2 and $0.1$0.1.

Let's look at some more ways we can compare decimals in this video and think about how we'd compare numbers with both units, and tenths. 

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Let's look at some examples with different numbers that have a mixture of units and/or tenths.

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When our numbers have units and tenths, we need to always compare the place value furthest to the left because it has the largest value.

For example, we'd compare the units place first, then the tenths place.


Worked Examples

Question 1

Choose the smaller decimal

  1. $0.6$0.6




Question 2

Select either $>$> or $<$< to complete the following:

$0.4$0.4 ___ $0.1$0.1
  1. $<$<




Question 3

Which of these fractions is furthest to the left on the number line?

  1. $\frac{3}{10}$310








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