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Grade 4

Create and interpret dot plots (simple)

Interactive practice questions

A teacher made the following dot plot for the number of students in the class who had a dog and the number of students who had a cat.

A dot plot representing the number of students who had a dog and cat is presented. The horizontal axis is labeled "Cat" and "Dog." Red dots represent the number of students. There are $4$4 red dots on Dog, and $7$7 red dots on Cat.

How many students in the class have cats?


How many more students own cats than dogs?


How many students are there altogether in the class who own either a cat or a dog?

< 1min

A teacher made the following dot plot for the number of boys and girls in the class.


Mrs. Lee took a survey of the type of pets owned by her students.

< 1min

Here is a dot plot of the number of goals scored in each of Bob’s soccer games.

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Collect and organize discrete primary data and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs (including stem-and-leaf plots and double bar graphs) that have appropriate titles, and scales labels that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of tools


Read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data and from secondary data, presented in charts, tables, and graphs (including stem-and-leaf plots and double bar graphs)

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