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Solve multi-step problems with patterns


Noticing and describing patterns

We have seen how number patterns can be identified using whole numbers. Now we are able to dig a little deeper and write out some of the rules we notice. Then we can use those rules to continue the pattern.

In Video 1, we'll look at the number of people in each row of a human pyramid, like we might see in a circus. Then we'll look at how to write the rule for our pattern. 


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Patterns with fractions

We've also looked at how to identify and describe numbers patterns with fractions or decimals. In this video, we will look at a pattern that uses fractions, work out the rule that is being followed and look at a twist in how we fill in the blanks. 

Do you have a piece of paper handy? If you do, you can join in and make the patten from the example in Video 2.

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Once you have identified the rule for your number pattern, you can continue the pattern.

The value of a number in a pattern my increase (get larger) or decrease (get smaller), as they did with our fraction example.

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