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Write number sentences from word problems (mult/div)


Word problems have all of the information we need to solve the problem. When we write number sentences from word problems, we need to think about what the problem is asking us, and locate the important information for our number sentence in order to solve the problem.

Firstly let's look at a word probem that uses multiplication. 

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Here we will talk about division. 

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Worked Examples

Question 1

There were $2$2 rows of trees in a field, with $5$5 trees in each row.

  1. Write a multiplication number sentence for this word problem.

Question 2

A flower bed has $2$2 of the same type of flower in it.

This type of flower grows $5$5 petals.

  1. Write a multiplication number sentence for this word problem.

Question 3

In a sporting match, the Red Team is made up of Ryan, Dave and Fred. They each score $2$2 points.

  1. Write a multiplication number sentence for this word problem.

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