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Multiplication and division (turn arounds and fact families) (10x10)


Turn arounds and fact families are important to know when solving maths problems. Each multiplication fact has a turn around fact, where you turn around the factors you are multiplying to get the same answer. We can then build fact families from these using division.

I will explain this in more detail in the following video.

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Worked Examples:

question 1:

Fill in the boxes with the missing numbers to complete the fact family.

  1. $5\times\editable{}=5$5×=5




question 2:

Fill in the boxes with the missing numbers to complete the fact family.

  1. $4\times2=\editable{}$4×2=




question 3:

Fill in the boxes with the missing numbers to complete the fact family.

  1. $10\times8=\editable{}$10×8=




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