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KeyStage 2 Upper

Time and Transport

Interactive practice questions

The table below shows the distances between various locations in Australia.

If a car can travel at an average speed of $98$98 kilometres per hour, how many hours will it take to travel between Brisbane and Perth? Leave your answer to two decimal places.

Brisbane Sydney Canberra Melbourne Adelaide Perth
Brisbane $0$0 $1010$1010 $1268$1268 $1669$1669 $3100$3100 $4384$4384
Sydney $1010$1010 $0$0 $288$288 $963$963 $1427$1427 $4110$4110
Canberra $1268$1268 $288$288 $0$0 $647$647 $1204$1204 $3911$3911
Melbourne $1669$1669 $963$963 $647$647 $0$0 $728$728 $3430$3430
Adelaide $3100$3100 $1427$1427 $1204$1204 $728$728 $0$0 $2725$2725
Perth $4384$4384 $4110$4110 $3911$3911 $3430$3430 $2725$2725 $0$0

The table below shows the distances between various locations in Europe.

If a plane can travel at an average speed of $999$999 kilometres per hour, how long will it take to travel between Berlin and Rome?


The table below shows the distances between various locations in Australia.

Derek wants to travel from Adelaide to Perth.


The table below shows the distances between various locations in Australia.

Georgia wants to travel around Australia by bike, which has an average speed of $20$20 km/h. She lives in Brisbane but doesn't know where to go first.

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