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KeyStage 2 Upper

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Elizabeth is on holiday in Hong Kong. She wants to go by train from Kowloon Station to Disneyland Resort Station. She must change trains at Sunny Bay station.

Morning journeys from Kowloon to Disneyland:

Station Departure Time (am)
Kowloon $7:17$7:17 $7:29$7:29 $8:19$8:19 $8:31$8:31 $9:16$9:16 $9:28$9:28
Olympic $7:21$7:21 $7:33$7:33 $8:23$8:23 $8:35$8:35 $9:20$9:20 $9:32$9:32
Nam Cheong $7:23$7:23 $7:35$7:35 $8:25$8:25 $8:37$8:37 $9:22$9:22 $9:34$9:34
Lai King $7:27$7:27 $7:39$7:39 $8:29$8:29 $8:41$8:41 $9:26$9:26 $9:38$9:38
Tsing Yi $7:31$7:31 $7:43$7:43 $8:33$8:33 $8:45$8:45 $9:30$9:30 $9:42$9:42
Sunny Bay $7:38$7:38 $7:50$7:50 $8:40$8:40 $8:52$8:52 $9:37$9:37 $9:49$9:49



$7:45$7:45 $7:57$7:57 $8:47$8:47 $8:59$8:59 $9:44$9:44 $9:56$9:56

Evening journeys from Disneyland to Kowloon:

Station Departure Time (pm)
Disneyland $4:18$4:18 $4:30$4:30 $5:10$5:10 $5:22$5:22 $6:15$6:15 $6:27$6:27
Sunny Bay $4:25$4:25 $4:37$4:37 $5:17$5:17 $5:29$5:29 $6:22$6:22 $6:34$6:34
Tsing Yi $4:32$4:32 $4:44$4:44 $5:24$5:24 $5:36$5:36 $6:29$6:29 $6:41$6:41
Lai King $4:36$4:36 $4:48$4:48 $5:28$5:28 $5:40$5:40 $6:33$6:33 $6:45$6:45
Nam Cheong $4:40$4:40 $4:52$4:52 $5:32$5:32 $5:44$5:44 $6:37$6:37 $6:49$6:49
Olympic $4:42$4:42 $4:54$4:54 $5:34$5:34 $5:46$5:46 $6:39$6:39 $6:51$6:51



$4:46$4:46 $4:58$4:58 $5:38$5:38 $5:50$5:50 $6:43$6:43 $6:55$6:55

How long will her train journey be?


Elizabeth wants to spend at least $9$9 hours at Disneyland, but she must be back at Kowloon station by $6$6 pm. What is the latest train Elizabeth can take from Kowloon to Sunny Bay station in the morning?

Departure time = $\editable{}:\editable{}$: am


If she went from Kowloon to Disneyland Resort by taxi instead, the journey would only take $15$15 minutes. How much time would Elizabeth save by taking a taxi to Disneyland Resort instead?


Caitlin is travelling across Sydney. She wants to catch the ferry from Manly Wharf to Circular Quay, then a train to Campbelltown.

Caitlin wants to get to Campbelltown train station by $8:00$8:00 pm. It takes her $4$4 minutes to walk between the Circular Quay ferry terminal and the Circular Quay train station.


Fiona is attending a lecture by a famous scientist at $9$9 pm on Thursday at Swansea University. She has to take a train from Gowerton to Abertawe, and then a bus from Abertawe bus station to the university.

To get a good seat at the lecture, Fiona wants to arrive at least $10$10 minutes before the start time.


Kathleen and Joanne want to go into town for the day, and end their day by seeing The Matrix at the cinema. They have arranged to meet at $9$9 am on Albert Road.

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