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6.03 One-step equations with addition and subtraction

Model equations

An algebraic equation is a mathematical statement that says two expressions are equal.

There are many ways to represent an algebraic equation. Some of the ways are:

  • balance scales

  • algebra tiles

  • pictorial models

Balance scales are beneficial because they show that the left and right sides of an equation are equal and so the equation is balanced.

 balance scale with x-5 on the left and 2 on the right. The scale is balanced.

The equation shown on this scale is: x-5 = 2

Another way to represent an algebraic equation is to use Algebra tiles. These tiles represent the variables and units on each side of the equation.

Table showing tiles for positive and negative variables and units. Ask your teacher for more information.

We can use the key above, to represent an equation with algebra tiles. The equation x-5 = 2 can be created with this combination of tiles:

One positive variable tile and five negative unit tiles is equal to two positive unit tiles.

Pictorial models can be really helpful for visualizing equations that represent real-world situations. These models can use an image of any object to represent the variables and units of an equation.

Here is a pictorial model of x-5=2 where the variable x is represented by a backpack and the units are represented by a pencil. The gray pencils are meant to show they have been removed from the situation.

A backpack and five greyed-out pencils is equal to two pencils. This represents x-5=2

Balance scales, algebra tiles, and pictorial models are three different ways that we can better understand and represent algebra equations.


Example 1

Write the equation represented by the algebra tiles.

An equation represented by 1 positive x tile and 4 positive 1 tiles on the left side and 5 positive 1 tiles on right side
Worked Solution
Create a strategy
Count the number of positive x tiles  and positive 1 tiles
Apply the idea

There is 1 \, \, +x tile and 4 \,\, +1 tiles on the left side. There are 5 \,\, +1 tiles on the right side. So the equation is:x+4=5

Example 2

Represent x-3=-5 using algebra tiles. Do not solve the equation.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Use a positive variable tile to represent x and -1 tiles to represent the negative constants.

Apply the idea

On the left side of the equation, there is an x which we can represent with one +x tile and a -3 which we can make by using three -1 tiles. On the right side of the equation the -5 can be shown using five -1 tiles.

Algebra tiles representing x-3=-5. One positive variable tile and 3 negative unit tiles = five negative unit tiles

Example 3

Write an equation that represents the given balance scale.

A balanced scale with x+4 on the left and -2 on the right.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

A balance scale represents an equation that is equal or balanced. The left side of the scale corresponds to the left side of the equation, and the right side of the scale corresponds to the right side of the equation.

Apply the idea

On the left side of the balance there is an x+4 and on the right side of the balance there is an -2. We set the left and right side of the balance to equal:


Example 4

Represent x+1=6 using a pictorial model.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Choose objects that could represent the variable x and the constants 1 and 6. The objects should be related for it to make sense.

Apply the idea
A coin purse and one coin = six coins

The coin purse represents x and the coins represent 1 and 6. So the total number of coins in the purse, x, plus 1 coin is equal to 6 total coins.

Idea summary

Algebraic equation: mathematical statement that says two expressions are equal.

We can represent algebraic equations pictorially with:

  • balance scales

  • algebra tiles

  • pictorial models

Solve equations


This applet represents the equation x=3.

You can click and drag algebra tiles from the bottom to the gray part at the bottom to be on the scale. Click the reset button in the top right corner to go back to x=3.

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Experiment with adding and removing tiles and observe what happens:

  1. What kinds of things can you do that keep the scale balanced?

  2. What kinds of things can you do to make the scale unbalanced?

  3. Test this with different types of tiles. Are these observations always true?

When working with equations, we must keep the equation balanced or it will no longer be a true statement.

Adding or subtracting the same amount to both sides keeps the equations balanced. These are two of the properties of equality.

An image showing two balanced scales with tiles on it. Ask your teacher for more information.

Addition property of equality: adding the same number to both sides of an equation creates an equivalent equation.

Example:\begin{aligned}&\text{If } &x-2 &= 7 \\ &\text{Then } &x-2+2 &= 7+2\end{aligned}

We can also visualize this with a scale.


Algebra tiles on a scale. The left side shows 1 positive variable tile and 2 negative unit tiles. The right side shows 7 positive unit tiles. The scale is balanced.


Algebra tiles on a scale. The left side shows 1 positive variable tile, 2 negative unit tiles and 2 positive unit tiles. The right side shows 9 positive unit tiles. The scale is balanced.

If we add the same amount to both sides of the scale it stays balanced.

Subtraction property of equality: subtracting the same number from both sides of an equation creates an equivalent equation.

Example:\begin{aligned}&\text{If } &x+5 &= 7 \\ &\text{Then } &x+5-5 &= 7-5\end{aligned}

We can also visualize this with a scale.


Algebra tiles on a balance scale. The left side shows one positive variable tile and five positive unit tiles. The right side shows seven positive unit tiles. The scale is balanced.


Algebra tiles on a scale. The left side has 1 positve variable tile, five positive unit tiles  and five negative unit tiles. The right side has seven positive unit tiles and five negative unit tiles. The scale is balanced.

If we take away the same amount from each side of the equation, it will remain balanced.

Notice for these equations the number we chose to add or subtract was the opposite of a number in the original equation. This strategy helps us solve equations by utilizing inverse operations and the additive inverse property.

Addition and subtraction are opposite or inverse operations that undo one another. If we choose the numbers we add or subtract carefully we can use this to eliminate extra numbers from an equation.

For example, with the equation x-5=17 we want to isolate x which requires getting rid of the constant term -5. To do this we can use the inverse operation by adding 5.


Now we can see the additive inverse in action: x+0=17+5

Now applying the additive identity: x=17+5

Then we can simplify the right side of the equation: x=22

We don't always write out all of these steps, but it is still important to know what is happening algebraically.

Once we have solved an equation, we can verify the solution using the substitution property of equality.

Substitution property

If a=b, then b can be substituted for a in any expression, equation, or inequality

Consider the solution of x=22 for the equation x-5=17.

We can confirm x=22 is the solution by replacing x with 22 in the equation and checking that both sides of the equation are equal.

\displaystyle x -5\displaystyle =\displaystyle 17Original equation
\displaystyle \left(22\right)-5\displaystyle =\displaystyle 17Substitute 22 for x
\displaystyle 17\displaystyle =\displaystyle 17Evaluate the subtraction

Since the left and right side of the equation are still equal, we can confirm that x=22 is a solution to the equation.


Example 5

Scale 1 is a balanced scale.

Scale 1:

A scale with 1 positive x tile on the left and 2 positive 1 tiles on the right

Scale 2:

A scale having 1 positive x tile and 1 positive 1 tile on the left and a question mark on the right.

Which of the following options could go in place of the question mark to balance scale 2?

A positive x tile.
A positive 1 tile
2 positive 1 tiles
3 positive 1 tiles
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

From Scale 1, we can see that one +1 tile has been added to the left side of the scale. To keep it balanced we must do the same to the right side.

Apply the idea
We must add one positive 1 tile to the existing ones on the right side of scale 1

This will leave a total of three +1 tiles on the right side of the scale, option D.

Reflect and check

We can show this algebraically as:

\displaystyle x\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2Write the equation
\displaystyle x + 1\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2 + 1Add 1 to both sides
\displaystyle x + 1\displaystyle =\displaystyle 3Evaluate

Example 6

Solve 21 = x + 13

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The inverse of addition is subtraction, so we need to subtract from both sides of the equation.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle 21\displaystyle =\displaystyle x + 13Original equation
\displaystyle 21-13\displaystyle =\displaystyle x+13-13Subtraction property of equality
\displaystyle 21-13\displaystyle =\displaystyle xAdditive inverse
\displaystyle 8\displaystyle =\displaystyle xEvaluate the subtraction
Reflect and check

Let's verify the answer using a balance scale model.

We start with twenty one +1 tiles on the left side of the scale, then one +x and thirteen +1 tiles on the right side to represent 21=x+13.

Algebra tiles on a scale. The left side has 21 positive unit tiles and the right side has one positive variable tile and 13 positive unit tiles. The scale is balanced.

Based on our solution, 8=x, we can replace the +x tile with 8 of the +1 tiles.

Algebra tiles on a scale. Both sides have 21 positive unit tiles.

The balance scale is now balanced with both sides having the same number of positive unit tiles \left(+1\right), verifying that our solution is correct.

Example 7

Solve: x - 1 = 7

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The inverse of subtraction is addition, so we need to add to both sides of the equation.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle x-1\displaystyle =\displaystyle 7Original equation
\displaystyle x-1+1\displaystyle =\displaystyle 7+1Addition property of equality
\displaystyle x\displaystyle =\displaystyle 7+1Additive inverse
\displaystyle x\displaystyle =\displaystyle 8Evaluate the addition
Reflect and check

Let's verify the answer using a balance scale model.

We start with a +x tile and a -1 tile one the left side of the scale, then 7 of the +1 tiles on the right to represent the equation x-1=7 .

Algebra tiles on a scale. The left side has 1 variable tile and 1 negative unit tile. The right side has 7 positive unit tiles. The scale is balanced.

Based on our solution, x=8 we can replace the+x tile with 8 of the +1 tiles.

Algebra tiles on a scale. The left side has 8 positive unit tiles and 1 negative unit tile. The right side has 7 positive unit tiles. The scale is balanced.

Remove zero pairs. The scale stays balanced.

Two sets of algebra tiles on a scale. The first one shows 8 positive unit tiles and 1 negative unit tile on the left, one pair of negative and positive unit tiles is labeled 'zero pair'. The right side shows 7 positive unit tiles. Then an arrow points to the second set of algebra tiles where it shows the same set of tiles without the zero pair.

The balance scale is now balanced with both sides having the same number of positive unit tiles, verifying that our solution is correct.

Example 8

-4 is the solution to the equation -8+x=-12.


Verify using substitution.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Substitute -4 into the equation. The left side of the equation will be equal to the right side if -4 is a solution.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle -8+\left(-4\right)\displaystyle =\displaystyle -12Substitute x=-4
\displaystyle -12\displaystyle =\displaystyle -12Evaluate the addition

The left side of the equation is equal to the right side of the equation, verifying that -4 is a solution.

Reflect and check

We can also use a pictorial model to verify if -4 is the solution to -8+x=-12.

This pictorial model represents the equation -8+x=-12, where each ice cube represents -1 and the cooler represents x.

A pictorial model representing -8+x=-12, where one ice cube =-1 and one icebox = +x. The left side has 8 ice cubes and 1 icebox while the right side shows 12 icecubes.

We then replace the cooler with four ice cubes, representing x=-4.

A pictorial model showing 12 icecubes on both sides of the equation. A legend shows 1 icebox = 4 icecubes.

We now have twelve ice cubes on both sides of the equation, verifying that -4 is a solution to the equation.


Verify using a model.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Represent the equation using algebra tiles on a scale. Make the left side of the scale to have the same number of unit tiles as the right side by replacing the variable tile with the appropriate tiles.

Apply the idea

The equation -8+x=-12 can be represented by:

Algebra tiles on a scale. The left side has 8 negative unit tiles and 1 positive variable tile. The right side has 12 negative unit tiles. The scale is balanced.

The given solution is -4, so we replace the variable tile with four negative unit tiles.

Algebra tiles on a scale, showing 12 negative unit tiles on both sides. The scale is balanced.

Both sides of the scale now have twelve negative unit tiles, verifying that -4 is a solution to the equation.

Example 9

A box of matches contains 500 matches. The match box falls to the ground and you count 78 matches on the ground. The rest of the matches are still in the box.


Write an equation that shows the relationship of the number of matches.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The amount of matches that are still in the box is the unknown value.

Apply the idea

Let m represent the number of matches still in the box.



Solve the equation and interpret the solution.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The inverse of addition is subtraction, so we need to subtract to both sides of the equation.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle m+78\displaystyle =\displaystyle 500Original equation
\displaystyle m+78-78\displaystyle =\displaystyle 500-78Subtraction property of equality
\displaystyle m\displaystyle =\displaystyle 422

This means that there are 422 matches that did not fell out of the box.

Example 10

Write a situation that could represent the equation x+5=25.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Think of a situation where there is an unknown value, x added to 5 which would equal 25.

Apply the idea

The amount of money in James' wallet, x, plus the \$ 5 in his hand is equal to the \$ 25 he received for his birthday.

Idea summary
Addition property of equality\text{If } a=b \text{ then } a+ c=b + c
Subtraction property of equality\text{If } a=b \text{ then } a- c=b -c
Inverse property of additiona + \left(-a\right)=0 \text{ and } \left(-a\right) +a=0
Identity property of additiona \cdot 1=a \text{ and } 1 \cdot a = a
Substitution propertya+0=a \text{ and } 0+a=a



The student will write and solve one-step linear equations in one variable, including contextual problems that require the solution of a one-step linear equation in one variable.


Represent and solve one-step linear equations in one variable, using a variety of concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations (e.g., colored chips, algebra tiles, weights on a balance scale).


Apply properties of real numbers and properties of equality to solve a one-step equation in one variable. Coefficients are limited to integers and unit fractions. Numeric terms are limited to integers.


Confirm solutions to one-step linear equations in one variable using a variety of concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations (e.g., colored chips, algebra tiles, weights on a balance scale).


Write a one-step linear equation in one variable to represent a verbal situation, including those in context.


Create a verbal situation in context given a one-step linear equation in one variable.

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