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2.01 Translating logic statements

Conditional statements

Logic is the science of reasoning. There are a variety of logical relationships used in math.


Use the diagram along with the statements that follow to answer the questions:

A venn diagram on Animals. The rectangle representing the universal set is labeled 'Animal'. Two disjoint circles labeled '4 legs' and '2 legs' are inside the rectangle. A smaller circle labeled 'Birds' is inside the '2 legs' circle. Two disjoint circles labeled 'Cats' and 'Dogs' are within the '4 legs' circle. A small circle labeled 'Corgi' is inside the 'Dogs' circle. An oval labeled 'Pets' is inside the '4 legs' circle and is overlapping with the 'cats', 'dogs' and 'corgi' circles.
  • Let p represent the statement "an animal is a corgi."

  • Let q represent the statement "an animal is a dog."

  • Let r represent the statement "an animal is a cat."

  • Let s represent the statement "a corgi is a dog."

  1. If an animal is a corgi, must it also be a pet?

  2. Determine whether the statement is true or false: \enspace\enspaceIf p, then q.

  3. Fill in the blanks with p, q, or r to make a true statement: \enspace \enspaceIf , then .

  4. Fill in the blanks with p, q, or r to make a true statement: \enspace \enspaceIf it's not true that , then it's not true that .

  5. What other true statements can you write from the diagram?

In the exploration, p,\,q,\,r, and s are examples of simple logic statements or propositions.

New statements can be formed from these logic statements. Negation is the opposite of a given statement. For the statement r: "an animal is a cat" the negation is "an animal is not a cat."


The negative of a statement, often formed by adding the word "not"


The negation of "a shape is a square" would be "the shape is not a square"

We can combine simple logic statements to form compound statements. One type of compound statement is a conjuction which connects two statements with the word and. The conjunction of p and q from the exploration is "an animal is a corgi and an animal is a dog."


A conjunction connects two statements with the word "and"


The conjunction of "a shape is a square" and "the shape is green" would be "the shape is a square and the shape is green"

A disjunction connects two statements with the word or. The disjunction of r and q from the exploration is "an animal is a cat or an animal is a dog." In a disjunction, one or both statements may be true.


A disjunction connects two statements with the word "or"


The disjunction of "a shape is a square" and "the shape is green" would be "the shape is a square or the shape is green"

A conditional statement, also called an if-then statement, is a type of compound statement that combines two simple statements in the form:

\text{If $p$, then $q$.}

Conditional statement

A logical argument consisting of a set of premises, hypothesis \left(p\right), and conclusion \left(q\right). Symbolically: \text{If }p, \, \text{then }q \enspace \enspace \enspace \enspace p\implies q


If p is the statement "a shape is a square" and q is the statement "a shape is a rectangle", the conditional would be "if the shape is a square, then the shape is a rectangle"

We call p the premise or the hypothesis. The hypothesis is the assertion that begins the statement of argument, and it typically starts with the word "if".

We call q the conclusion. It closes out the argument and is true if the premise is true.

The converse of a conditional is formed by switching the place of the premise and conclusion of the conditional statement:

\text{If $q$, then $p$.}


A logical statement formed by interchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement. Symbolically: \text{If } q,\, \text{then } p \enspace\enspace \enspace \enspace q\implies p


Given the conditional "if the shape is a square, then the shape is a rectangle", the converse is "if the shape is a rectangle, then the shape is a square."

A true conditional statement can have a false converse, and a false conditional can have a true converse. This pair has a true conditional and a false converse:

ConditionalIf the shape is a square, then the shape is a rectangle.
ConverseIf the shape is a rectangle, then the shape is a square.

This pair has a false conditional and a true converse:

ConditionalIf an animal is a dog, then it is a corgi.
ConverseIf an animal is a corgi, then the animal is a dog.

A biconditional statement is the conjunction of a conditional statement and its converse:

\text{If $p$, then $q$; and if $q$, then $p$. }

We may also see this written as:

\text{$p$ if and only if $q$}

Biconditional statement

A bicondontional is the conjunction of a conditional and its converse. It may be written p \text{ iff } q.


"A shape is a triangle if and only if it has three sides."


Example 1

Consider the statement "If it is sunny, then Yasmin goes to the park."


Identify the hypothesis of the statement.

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The hypothesis is the assertion that begins the statement of argument, and it typically starts with the word "if".

Apply the idea

In the statement, the hypothesis is "it is sunny."


Identify the conclusion.

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The conclusion closes out the argument and often follows the word "then".

Apply the idea

In the statement, the conclusion is "Yasmin goes to the park."


Write the converse of the statement.

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The converse is formed by switching the place of the hypothesis and conclusion.

Apply the idea

The converse is "If Yasmin goes to the park, then it is sunny."


Use the statement and its converse to write a biconditional statement.

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Use the converse from part (c). A biconditional is the conjunction of both the original statement and its converse.

Apply the idea

A biconditional is "If Yasmin goes to the park then it is sunny and if it is sunny then Yasmin goes to the park."

Another way to write the biconditional is "Yasmin goes to the park if and only if it is sunny."

Reflect and check

The reverse of the biconditional has exactly the same meaning, so we could have written:

"It is sunny if and only Yasmin goes to the park."

Idea summary

For the statements p and q\,:

  • Negation - not p

  • Conjunction - p and q

  • Disjunction - p or q

  • Conditional - if p, then q

  • Converse - if q, then p

  • Biconditional - p if and only if q

Translate logic statements

We can use a variety of symbols when working with logical statements. This can making writing logical statements more efficient.


This is the opposite of a statement. We write the negation of p as \sim p.

p:The plate is dirty.
\sim p:The plate is not dirty.

Note that the negation of a negation becomes the original proposition. In symbols we could write that \sim \left(\sim p\right) is the same as (or equivalent to) p.


To join two logical statements together with the word and, we use a conjunction which is often symbolized as \land.

p:The plate is dirty.
q:Dinner is over.
p \land q:The plate is dirty and dinner is over


To join two logical statements together with the word or, we use a disjunction which is often symbolized as \lor.

p \lor q:The plate is dirty or dinner is over


The symbol used for the conditional connective is a right arrow \implies. Recall a conditional is in the form:

\text{If $p$ then $q$.}

p \implies q:If the plate is dirty, then dinner is over.

The connective, as a right arrow, tells us that the statement can only be read one way.


The symbol used for the biconditional connective is a left-right arrow \iff. Recall a biconditional is in the form:

p\text{ if and only if } q

p \iff q:The plate is dirty if and only if dinner is over.

This implies both of the following statements are true:

If the plate is dirty, then dinner is over.
If dinner is over, then the plate is dirty.


Example 2

"It is false that if you eat healthy foods, then you will not get sick."


What is the statement in symbolic form?

p:You eat healthy foods.
q:You will get sick.
\sim p \implies \sim q
\sim (\sim p \implies q)
\sim (p\implies \sim q)
\sim p \iff q
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"False" negates the whole statement "if p then not q" so it must be grouped by parentheses.

Use \sim for the words "false" and "not", and \implies for the words "if-then".

Apply the idea

The answer is option C.


What type of statement is this?

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Consider the symbol outside the parentheses in the answer from part (a).

Apply the idea

Outside the parentheses of \sim \left(p\implies \sim q\right) is a negation.

The answer is option B.

Example 3


p:The lemonade is sour.
q:The rice is hot.

Write each of the following statements in symbols:


"The rice is not hot if and only if the lemonade is sour."

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The statement can be shorten as "not q if and only if p", where \sim is "not" and \iff is "if and only if".

Apply the idea

The statement in symbols is:

\sim q \iff p


"If the lemonade is sour, then the rice is not hot."

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The statement can be shorten as "if p then not q", where \implies is "if-then" and \sim is "not".

Apply the idea

In symbols, the statement is:

p \implies \sim q


The lemonade is not sour, but the rice is hot."

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The statement can be shorten as "not p but q", where \sim is "not" and \land is "but". Notice \land can mean both "and" and "but".

Apply the idea

In symbols, the statement is:

\sim p \land q


"Neither is the lemonade sour nor is the rice hot."

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The statement can be rephrased as "not p and not q", where \sim is "not" and \land is "and".

Apply the idea

In symbols, the statement is:

\sim p \land \sim q


"It is false that the lemonade is sour or the rice is hot."

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"False" negates the whole statement "p or q" so it must be grouped by parentheses.

Use \sim for the word "false" and \lor for the word "or".

Apply the idea

In symbols, the statement is:

\sim \left(p \lor q\right)


"It is false that if the rice is not hot, then the lemonade is sour."

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"False" negates the whole statement "if not q then p" so it must be grouped by parentheses.

Use \sim for the words "false" and "not", and \implies for the words "if-then".

Apply the idea

In symbols, the statement is:

\sim \left(\sim q \implies p\right)

Example 4

Consider the following propositions:

p:John is having roast beef for dinner.
q:John is having Yorkshire pudding for dinner.
r:John is having dessert for dinner.

Determine the meaning, in words, of the following compound proposition:

\left(p\lor q\right)\land r

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The expression is a conjunction of two propositions. The first (in parentheses)is a disjunction. Remember that the disjunction is inclusive in that John could end up eating the roast beef, the Yorkshire pudding and the dessert.

Apply the idea

It would read:

"John is having roast beef or Yorkshire pudding, and having dessert for dinner."

Reflect and check

If we moved the parentheses so the compound proposition is p\lor \left(q\land r\right) it means something different

This new statement would read:

"John is having roast beef, or he is having Yorkshire pudding and dessert."

The placement of parenthesis may change the meaning of a statement.

Example 5

Consider the following statements:

p:A triangle is a right triangle.
q:The sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.

Write a biconditional using those statements in both words and symbols.

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Remember a biconditional means "if p, then q" and "if q, then p".

Apply the idea

In symbols, we can write this as p \iff q.

In words, we can. say "a triangle is a right triangle if and only if the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse."

Reflect and check

Notice, that a biconditional can be written both ways. The statement p \iff q is exactly the same as q \iff p.

Idea summary

We can use a variety of symbols to make writing logic arguments more efficient.

\impliesConditional"if - then"
\iffBiconditional"if and only if"



The student will translate logic statements, identify conditional statements, and use and interpret Venn diagrams.


Translate propositional statements and compound statements into symbolic form, including negations (~p, read “not p”), conjunctions (p ∧ q, read “p and q”), disjunctions (p ∨ q, read “p or q”), conditionals (p → q, read “if p then q”), and biconditionals (p ↔ q, read “p if and only if q”), including statements representing geometric relationships.


Interpret Venn diagrams, including those representing contextual situations.

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