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2.04 Deductive reasoning

Deductive reasoning

In mathematics, we have postulates which are accepted facts. If we apply deductive reasoning to postulates and other starting hypotheses, we can construct logical arguments for new facts of mathematics.

Deductive reasoning

A method that uses logic to draw conclusions based on definitions, postulates, and theorems.


Consider the Venn diagram:

Venn diagram: Two rectangles labeled 'Polygons'. The first one has a circle labeled 'Parallelograms' with a smaller circle within labeled 'Rhombus'. The second one has two disjoint circles labeled 'Paralleograms' and 'Trapezoids', a smaller circle is inside 'Trapezoids' and is labeled 'Pair of opposite sides that are not parallel'.

Consider whether each conclusion is valid or not. Explain your reasoning.

  1. A polygon is a parallelogram. Therefore, it is not a trapezoid.

  2. A polygon has two sides that are not parallel. Therefore, it is a parallelogram.

  3. If a shape is a rhombus, then it must be a parallelogram.

There are serveral laws that can be used to construct an argument:

Recall the Law of Contrapositive:

Law of contrapositive

The law of contrapositive states that if p \to q is true and \sim q is true, then \sim p is true.

The Law of Detachment says if the hypothesis of a true conditional statement is true, then the conclusion is also true.

Law of detachment

If p \to q is true and p is true, then q is true.

For example:

p:A number is odd.
q:It is the sum of an even and odd number.
p \to q:If a number is odd, then it is the sum of an even and odd number.

Consider the number 11. Since p \to q is true and p is true since 11 is odd, by the law of detachment, 11 is the sum of an even number and an odd number.

The Law of Syllogism says if both p \to q \text{ and } q \to r are true, then p \to r is the logical conclusion."

Law of syllogism

If p \to q is true and q \to r is true, then p \to r is true.

For example:

p \to q:\text{If a shape has three sides, it is a triangle.}
q \to r:\text{If a shape is a triangle, the angles sum to } 360 \text{ degrees.}

Since p \to q is true and q \to r is true, by the law of syllogism, p \to r is true which means "If a shape has three sides, the angles sum to 360 degrees".

Deductive reasoning uses facts, definitions, and the laws of logic to form an argument. Inductive reasoning uses observations and patterns to form a conjecture. Deductive reasoning can prove an argument is true, while we can only use inductive reasoning to prove a conjecture is false.


Example 1

Determine the law of logic that is used in each argument.


If the sum of the angles in a polygon is 360 \degree, then it is a quadrilateral.

You see the following shape and know it is a quadrilateral.

A quadrilateral with angle measurements starting from the upper left going clockwise of 88 ,85 ,79, 108 in degrees.
Worked Solution
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Determine whether this represents the law of contrapositive, law of detachment, or law of syllogism.

Apply the idea

Let p \text{ and } q represent the following statements.

p\text{The sum of the angles in a polygon is } 360 \degree.
q\text{The shape is a quadrilateral.}

Since we are told that "if the sum of the angles in a polygon is 360 \degree, then it is a quadrilateral", we know that p \to q is true.

Also for the given figure the sum of the interior angles is 88\degree+85\degree+79\degree+108\degree=360\degree, so we can see that p is true. Using the law of detachment q must also be true, which states the shape is a quadrilateral.

Therefore, this is an example of the law of detachment.

Reflect and check

We can this symbolically:

Let p represent The sum of the angles in a polygon is 360\degree

Let q represent The shape is a quadrilateral.

\text{If the sum of the angles in a polygon is } 360 \degree \text{, then it is a quadrilateral}p\to q
\text{The sum of the angles in the given polygon is } 360 \degreep
\text{The given polygon is a quadrilateral}q

If you finish your homework, you will go to football game. If you go to the football game, you will sleep over at your friend's house.

If you finish your homework, then you will sleep over at your friends house.

Worked Solution
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Determine whether this represents the law of contrapositive, law of detachment, or law of syllogism.

Apply the idea

Let p, q, and r represent the following statements.

pI finish my homework.
qI go to the football game.
rI sleep over at my friend's house.

So we can translate "If you finish your homework, you will go to football game" to p \to q and "If you go to the football game, you will sleep over at your friend's house" to q \to r.

Since we have p \to q \text{ and } q \to r, then we can say p \to r by the law of syllogism.

p \to r says that " If you finish your homework, then you will sleep over at your friends house."

Reflect and check

If the statement for p\to q or q\to r was false, then we would have a valid argument, but not necessarily a true statement as the result.

Example 2

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from these statements?

If we win the game, we will win the tournament. If we win the tournament, we will go out for pizza.

If we go out for pizza, we won the game.
If we win the game, we will go out for pizza
If we do not win the tournament, we will not go our for pizza.
Worked Solution
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Consider whether we can use the law of syllogism, law of contrapositive, or law of detachment to draw any of the conclusions.

Apply the idea

Let p represent We win the game

Let q represent We win the tournament.

Let q represent We go out for pizza.

\text {If we win the game, we will win the tournament.}p\to q
\text{If we win the tournament, we will go out for pizza.}q\to r
\text{Using the law of syllogism, we get:}\\ \text{If we win the game, we will go out for pizza }p\to r

The law of syllogism confirms that the statement "If we win the game, we will go out for pizza" is true. So, the correct answer is B.

Reflect and check

Notice that A and C could be true, but aren't necessarily true. For choice A and C, we could go out for pizza even if we lose, so these do not follow from the original statements.

Example 3

Write the logical argument symbolically, then determine whether the argument is valid. Justify using deductive reasoning.

If a quadrilateral has two sets of parallel sides, then it is a parallelogram. If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its opposite angles are congruent. A quadrilateral does not have two sets of parallel sides. Therefore, its opposite angles are congruent.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Consider whether the law of syllogism, law of contrapositive, or law of detachment, or a few laws combined apply here.

Apply the idea

We can start by translating to symbols to see if the argument is valid.

Let p represent a quadrilateral has two set of parallel sides

Let q represent a quadrilateral is a parallelogram

Let r represent a quadrilateral has opposite angles that are congruent

ReasonStatementSymbolic representation
\text{Given}\text{If a quadrilateral has two sets of parallel sides,}\\ \text{then it is a parallelogram.}p \to q
\text{Given}\text {If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, }\\ \text{then its opposite angles are congruent. }q \to r
\text{Law of syllogism}\text {If a quadrilateral has two sets of parallel sides, }\\ \text{then its opposite angles are congruent. }p \to r
\text{Given}\text {A quadrilateral does not have two sets of parallel sides}\sim p
\text{Invalid conclusion} \text{Therefore, its opposite angles are congruent.}\therefore r

The first and second statements are true, and the third statement can be created using the law of syllogism. However, the conclusion contradicts the law of detachment, making the argument invalid and the conclusion false.

Idea summary

These laws can help determine the validity of arguments:

Law of contrapositive\text{If } p \to q \text{ is true and } \sim q \text{ is true, then } \sim p \text{ is true.}
Law of syllogism\text{If } p \to q \text{ is true and } q \to r \text{ is true, then } p \to r \text{ is true.}
Law of detachment\text{If } p \to q \text{ is true and } p \text{ is true, then } q \text{ is true.}

Direct proof

In mathematics, we have postulates which are accepted facts. If we apply deductive reasoning to postulates and other starting hypotheses, we can construct logical arguments for new facts of mathematics. A new fact is called a theorem and its argument is called its proof.


A true statement that follows as a result of other true statements.


A justification that is logically valid and based on initial assumptions, definitions, postulates, theorems, and/or properties.

We can use deductive reasoning to write proofs in a variety of ways. Formal proofs have a more rigid structure and can be helpful when we want to present our justification in a very organized way.

Paragraph proof

A type of proof written as in the form of a paragraph. Each statement must follow from a row above or be given. We can use the laws we know to form an argument.

Two column proof

A type of proof written as numbered rows which have the statement in one column and the reason in the other column. Each statement must follow from a row above or be given.

The structure of a two column proof follows:

To prove: Proof goal

Every statement in a proof must be show to be true. In geometry, an undefined term is a term or word that does not require further explanation or description. The include a point, set, line, and plane. A defined term is a term that has a formal definition and can be defined using other geometrical terms.

We have learned many properties and laws that can be used to make arguments. Recall the properties of equality:

Symmetric property of equality\text{If } a=b, \text{then } b=a
Transitive property of equality\text{If } a=b \text{ and } b=c, \text{then } a=c
Addition property of equality\text{If } a=b, \text{then } a+c=b+c
Subtraction property of equality\text{If } a=b, \text{then } a-c=b-c
Multiplication property of equality\text{If } a=b, \text{then } ac=bc
Division property of equality\text{If } a=b \text{ and } c \neq0, \text{then } \dfrac{a}{c}=\dfrac{b}{c}
Substitution property of equality\text{If } {a=b}, \text{ then } b \text{ may be substituted for } a \text{ in any expression}
Additive identity\text{If } {a=b}, \text{ then } a+0=b \text{ and } a=b+0
Multiplicative identity\text{If } {a=b}, \text{ then } a\cdot 1=b \text{ and } a=b \cdot 1

We also have the properties of congruence:

Properties of segment congruence tell us that segment congruence is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive

Reflexive property of congruent segments\text{Any segment is congruent to itself, so } \overline{AB} \cong \overline{AB}
Symmetric property of congruent segments\text{If }\overline{AB} \cong \overline{CD}\text{, then } \overline{CD} \cong \overline{AB}
Transitive property of congruent segments\text{If }\overline{AB} \cong \overline{CD} \text{ and }\overline{CD}\cong \overline{EF}\text{, then }\overline{AB} \cong \overline{EF}

Properties of angle congruence tell us that angle congruence is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive

Reflexive property of congruent angles\text{Any angle is congruent to itself, so } \angle{A} \cong \angle{A}
Symmetric property of congruent angles\text{If }\angle{A} \cong \angle{B}\text{, then} \angle{B} \cong \angle{A}
Transitive property of congruent angles\text{If }\angle{A} \cong \angle{B} \text{ and }\angle{B}\cong \angle{C}\text{, then }\angle{A} \cong \angle{C}


Example 4

Consider the vertical angles theorem, which states that vertical angles are congruent.

Use transformations to prove the following:

Given: \angle ABC and \angle DBE are vertical angles

Prove: \angle ABC \cong \angle DBE

Line A E and C D intersecting at point B. Angles A B C and D B E are congruent, as well as angles A B D and C B E.
Worked Solution
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We can use translations, reflections, rotations, and dilations to demonstrate congruence between figures.

Apply the idea

We are given that \angle ABC and \angle DBE are vertical angles. Since \angle ABC and \angle DBE are vertical angles, they share vertex B. We can use tracing paper to rotate \angle ABC clockwise 180\degree around vertex B and verify that its image is \angle DBE. Therefore, \angle ABC \cong \angle DBE.

Line A E and C D intersecting at point B. Angles A B C and D B E are congruent, as well as angles A B D and C B E. Angle A B C is highlighted. A circular arrow labeled 180 degrees, pointing from A B C to D B E.
Reflect and check

This is an example of an informal paragraph proof that uses an annotated diagram.

Example 5

Consider the congruent supplements theorem, which states that if two angles are supplementary to the same angle then they are congruent.

Construct a two column proof to prove the following:


  • \angle A and \angle C are supplementary

  • \angle B and \angle C are supplementary

Prove: \angle A \cong \angle B

Two straight angles. Each straight angle has a ray in the interior of the angle and its endpoint on the angle's vertex. For top straight angle, the ray divides the angle into two angles labeled A and C. For bottom straight angle, the ray divides the angle into two angles labeled B and C. Angle A and B are congruent, as well as both angle C.
Worked Solution
Apply the idea
To prove: \angle A \cong \angle B
1.\angle A and \angle C are supplementaryGiven
2.\angle B and \angle C are supplementaryGiven
3.m\angle A +m\angle C=180\degreeDefinition of supplementary angles
4.m\angle B +m\angle C=180\degreeDefinition of supplementary angles
5.m\angle A +m\angle C=m\angle B +m\angle CTransitive property of equality
6.m\angle A=m\angle BAddition property of equality
7.\angle A \cong \angle BDefinition of congruent angles
Reflect and check

We can see that the proofs for the congruent supplements theorem and the congruent complements theorem are very similar. The flow chart proof and two column proof use the same steps but display them differently.

Idea summary

Both paragraph and two column proofs are ways to use deductive reasoning to show an argument must be true. A proof shows that a conjecture is true for every case.



The student will translate logic statements, identify conditional statements, and use and interpret Venn diagrams.


Identify and determine the validity of the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of a conditional statement, and recognize the connection between a biconditional statement and a true conditional statement with a true converse, including statements representing geometric relationships.

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