State the number of vertices and edges for each of the following networks:
Determine if the following networks are valid:
Consider the following network:
Are there more vertices or more edges?
Is this property true for all networks?
For the following network, list the pairs of vertices that are connected by an edge.
For the following network, there is an edge from A to B. List the remaining edges.
Determine whether the following statements are true or false in regard to networks:
There is always at least one vertex.
There is always at least one edge.
All vertices must be connected to every other vertex by edges.
An edge can start and end at the same vertex.
Edges always start and end at vertices.
An edge can connect three vertices together.
For each of the following networks:
State what the edges represent.
State what the vertices represent.
State the number of vertices.
State the number of edges.
The following network represents the internet fiber optics cables connecting several cities:
The following network represents an electrical circuit that includes a globe, resistors and multiple switches.
The following network displays newspaper routes between several houses:
The following mud map represents the roads between several towns:
State whether the following are directed or undirected networks:
State whether the following are best represented by an undirected or directed network:
Which countries border each other
The results of an elimination-style sports tournament
The animals that different animals eat
Your parents and their ancestors
Ways to get from one classroom to another at school
How parts of the body are connected
How many loops are in the following networks:
State whether the following networks contain a pair of vertices that have multiple edges between them:
State whether the following networks are simple:
State the two changes required to make the following network simple: