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VCE 12 General 2023

8.01 Graphs and networks


Graphs and networks

What do roads, human ancestry, currency exchange, planning a wedding, and the internet have in common? They are all things that we can represent with a mathematical object called a network. Studying networks will allow us to gain deep insights into any system, place, or thing that is defined by its connections.

You have seen networks before, all around you. We are now going to learn how to recognise them, represent them in a consistent way, then analyse them. But first, we need to start with the language of networks to introduce the key concepts.

A vertex (or node) is the fundamental building block of a network and represents a single object or idea. It is drawn as a dot or circle. The plural of vertex is vertices.

An edge is a line segment that begins and ends at a vertex. An edge represents a relationship between the objects or ideas that it links together, and the kind of relationship depends on the context.

One circle on the left labelled as a vertex. Two circles connected by a line on the right. The circles are vertices and the line is an edge.

On the left is a single vertex. On the right are two vertices with one edge between them.

An edge must be drawn between exactly two vertices.

A circle with a segment on the left and three circles connected by three segments on the right. Both have an X.

Neither of these are valid edges.

An edge can’t connect at only one end, and can’t connect more than two vertices together.

A network (sometimes called a network graph, or just graph) is a collection of vertices with edges drawn between them.

Four networks which consist of collection of vertices with edges drawn between them. Ask your teacher for more information.

Here are three more networks - these have letters or words for each vertex.

Three networks that have letters or words for each of their vertices. Ask your teacher for more information.

Vertices in networks are often given vertex labels. These labels can be something specific (the name of a person, city, or animal...) or it can be more abstract, like a capital letter.


Example 1

The following figure displays newspaper routes between several houses.

This image shows a network with vertices labelled House A, B, C, D, E, F. Ask your teacher for more information.

The vertices are:

The houses
The space enclosed by the routes.
The routes
Worked Solution
Apply the idea

The vertices are the houses since there are house names in each oval where the edges intersect.

So the correct answer is option A.


How many vertices are there?

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Count the vertices in the network.

Apply the idea

There are 6 vertices.


How many edges are there?

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Count the lines that connect vertices.

Apply the idea

There are 10 edges.

Idea summary

A vertex (or node) is the fundamental building block of a network and represents a single object or idea. It is drawn as a dot or circle. The plural of vertex is vertices.

An edge is a line segment that begins and ends at a vertex. An edge represents a relationship between the objects or ideas that it links together, and the kind of relationship depends on the context.

Types of edges

Directed edges are represented by arrows and symbolise a one-way relationship, while undirected edges are represented by lines and symbolise a two-way connection.

This image shows 2 graphs, 1 with a directed edge and one with an undirected edge. Ask your teacher for more information.

The first network has a directed edge because sharks eat fish and not the other way around - a one-way relationship.

The second network has an undirected edge because France and Spain share a border - a two-way relationship.

If there are directed edges in the network, we call it a directed network (or digraph). If there are no directed edges, we call it an undirected network.

Q: What about if there's a mix - some arrowheads, some lines?

A: Edges in undirected networks represent two-way connections. If there are directed edges in a network, then one-way connections are possible - so we turn the lines representing two-way connections into two arrows, like this:

This image shows two 3 circles connected with arrows. Ask your teacher for more information.

We can still express a two-way connection using directed edges, we just have to draw in an extra (directed) edge. You typically don't see "mixed" networks - it just makes things easier if either all the edges are lines, or all the edges are arrows.

An edge that starts and ends at the same vertex is called a loop.

A simple network has

  1. no loops, and

  2. no two vertices connected by more than one edge

This image shows 2 graphs that are not simple, and 1 graph that is simple. Ask your teacher for more information.

The first network is not simple because it has loops. The second network is not simple because there are “repeat” edges between some vertices. The third network is simple - no vertex is connected to itself, and no vertex is connected to any other in more than one way.

Idea summary

Vertex - A circle or dot in a network. Often given a vertex label.

Edge - A line segment connecting a vertex to a vertex. Can be directed (arrowhead) or undirected (no arrowhead). If it starts and ends at the same vertex, we call it a loop.

Network - A collection of vertices and edges. Can be directed (arrowhead) or undirected (no arrowhead). If there are no loops and no “repeat” edges, the network is simple. A network is also referred to as a graph.

Create networks

Let's investigate how the capitals of each Australian state and territory are connected by the road network. Here’s a map:

A map of Austratlia. Ask your teacher for more information.

Now let’s draw the major roads connecting these cities together as undirected edges (since you can go back and forth along the roads), and get rid of the state names:

A map of Australia with roads connecting the cities. Ask your teacher for more information.

I have added in three extra vertices (Katherine, Threeways, and Port Augusta) along the road from Adelaide to Darwin where it branches off to other cities. Without them we would have a single edge (road) connecting more than two vertices, which is not allowed.

Now we can get rid of the underlying map, and are left with the connections between the capital cities as a network:

The capital cities of Australia as networks and without its underlying map. Ask your teacher for more information.

If we only care about if we can get from one city to another, and not how far it is between the cities, we can simplify the network a lot:

The connection between the capital cities of Australia are considered as networks. Ask your teacher for more information.

Now we can easily see all kinds of information:

  • You can’t drive straight from Canberra to Perth without going through at least one other capital city along the way.

  • If you’re in Hobart you can drive around but you’re never going to any other capital city (this is a loop)

  • If you want to go from Melbourne to Sydney you can go through Canberra or you can drive around it.

It’s not to scale anymore, but that’s ok - here we are only interested in whether cities are connected.

You will see networks are actually all around you once you know how to look for it. For example, here is the London tube map as a network:

The image shows that the London tube map is one of the examples of networks. Ask your teacher for more information.

By sacrificing realism and only representing the information we care about (which stations are connected to which other stations and how), using the map becomes easier.


Example 2

Within a water system the feeding chain can be described as follows:

Tadpoles, Water Beetles and Snails all survive by eating algae.

Small Fish eat the tadpoles, whilst frogs survive on water beetles and snails.

The kingfisher, a skillful fishing bird, survives on eating small fish and frogs.

Which of the following graphs represents the feeding chain? Note that the arrows point from the thing that is eaten to the thing that eats it.

A feeding chain where kingfisher is the top of the food chain. Ask your teacher for more information.
A feeding chain where kingfisher is the top of the food chain. Ask your teacher for more information.
A feeding chain where kingfisher is the top of the food chain. Ask your teacher for more information.
A feeding chain where kingfisher is the top of the food chain. Ask your teacher for more information.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Use the fact that the the arrow must point from what it eats towards it.

Apply the idea

The kingfisher is at the top of the food chain, and there should be arrows pointing towards it from small fish and frogs. Since small fish eat the tadpoles and frogs survive on water beetles and snails, then tadpoles should be pointing towards small fish and water beetles and snails should be pointing towards frogs. So, the correct answer is Option B.

A feeding chain where kingfisher is the top of the food chain. Ask your teacher for more information.

Example 3

A beach volleyball social competition team can have 3 players on the court at any time. The team has 5 players at the tournament. The table shows 3 combinations that the coach has already used in the first three games.

GamesPlayers chosen
1Ryan, Jimmy, Lucy
2Lucy, Beth, Ellie
3Ellie, Ryan, Jimmy

Which of the following graphs shows the combinations of players that have already played together?

A graph that shows combinations of players. Ask your teacher for more information.
A graph that shows combinations of players. Ask your teacher for more information.
A graph that shows combinations of players. Ask your teacher for more information.
A graph that shows combinations of players. Ask your teacher for more information.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Choose the graph where the players for each game are connected to one another.

Apply the idea

For game 1, Ryan, Jimmy, and Lucy played together. So Ryan, Jimmy, and Lucy should be connected to form a triangle. This is satisfied by options B and C.

For game 2, Lucy, Beth, and Ellie played together. So Lucy, Beth, and Ellie should be connected to form a triangle. This is again satisfied by options B and C.

In game 3, Ellie, Ryan and Jimmy played together. So Ellie, Ryan and Jimmy should be connected to form a triangle. This is satisfied by option C only.

So the correct answer is option C.


There is one more game left in the tournament. Who should the coach choose to play so that every team member has played with every other team member at least once?

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Find the names that are not connected by a line.

Apply the idea
A graph that shows combinations of players. Ask your teacher for more information.

The graph should show a line connecting every player's name to satisfy the condition that every team member has played with every other team member at least once.

Ryan and Beth, as well as Jimmy and Beth, are not connected by a line. This means that Beth, Jimmy, and Ryan have not yet played together.

So the coach should choose Beth, Jimmy, and Ryan. The correct answers are options A, B, and D.

Idea summary

Some situations that can be represented by graphs or networks. Vertices can represent objects or places, edges can represent paths or connections, and weights can represent numerical data that connects the vertices like times or distances.



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