In previous lessons, we converted between fractions, percentages, and decimals. We can use these skills to solve real life problems about of percentages.
Percentages are used for a variety of things, usually when we want to describe how much of something there is. For example, perhaps you only want 50\% of the juice in you cup or when the car dashboard says that the fuel tank is only 20\% full. However, 50\% of the water in a 100\text{ L} swimming pool is obviously very different to 50\% of the 2\text{ L} milk in your fridge. Let's take a look at how we can figure out how much there actually is when we hear about percentages.
We already know how to find a fraction of a quantity through multiplication. For example, we know to find \dfrac{2}{3} of 60 all we do is multiply the two numbers together, so \dfrac{2}{3} \times 60=40 is our answer. We can do the same with percentages as we know how to turn them into fractions with 100 as the denominator.
For example, we want to find what 25\% of 84 is, so let's multiply them together. 25\% \times 84 can be rewritten as \dfrac{25}{100}\times 84, and we can simplify the fraction and get \dfrac{1}{4}\times 84=21.
A lot of the time it's hard for us to accurately calculate percentages of amounts in real life, so we'll have to estimate. Because percentages are expressed as something out of a hundred, we can also express them in diagrams of 5,\,10,\,100 things or more.
Consider the following:
Express 40\% as a decimal.
Now find 40\% of 90 kilograms.
Ellie bought a 454\text{ mL} drink that claimed to be orange juice. In the ingredients list it said that orange juice made up 17\% of the drink. To estimate the amount of orange juice in the drink, which of the following would give the closest answer?
In a census, people are asked their gender and age. The graph shows the results: the percentage of females and males in each age group.
To the nearest 1\%, what percentage of females are between 5 and 9 years of age?
To the nearest 1\%, what percentage of males are between 30 and 34 years of age?
The percentage of females between the ages of 20 and 29 is about:
The percentage of males below 20 years of age is about:
We can find the percentage of a quantity by turning the percentage into a fraction with 100 as the denominator. Then we can multiply the fraction by the quantity.