Once we know how to operations with decimals, we can think about how to work with decimals that we come across in the real world. Exchanging money, measuring lengths and weights, and recording times are all areas that use decimals.
We can use key words to help us work out which operation we need to use to solve the problem. Some key words in the problem could be:
addition | subtraction | multiplication | division |
more | less | product | equally shared |
add | subtract | by | in each |
all together | how many left | times | per |
total | difference | groups of | divided by |
And reflecting on the following questions, can help ensure that our answer is reasonable:
Harry buys an item from the school canteen for \$ 3.20. If he pays for it with a five dollar note, how much change will he get back?
How many 0.38 L bottles can be filled from a barrel which holds 41.8 L?
Key words can help identify which operation to use.
addition | subtraction | multiplication | division |
more | less | product | equally shared |
add | subtract | by | in each |
all together | how many left | times | per |
total | difference | groups of | divided by |