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1.03 Modelling place value


Are you ready?

When we count by ones, we use the digits 0,\,1,\,2,\,3,\,4,\,5,\,6,\,7,\,8 and 9.

We also use these digits to make bigger numbers, like 10,\,11,\,12, and 13.

Idea summary

When we count by ones we use single digits, for numbers bigger than 9 we can use more digits.

Place value with models

Let's see how we can use icy pole sticks and place value blocks to work out how to write larger numbers.

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Example 1

Think about how many hundreds and tens blocks fit into 110.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We can make the number 110 without using the tens block by finding how many ones make up a ten. We can also use a hundred block.

Apply the idea

The number 110 is made of 1 hundred and 1 ten. A ten block is made up of 10 ones.

The image shows a hundred block and 10 unit blocks.
Idea summary

We can use blocks of hundreds, tens, and ones to represent numbers and place value.

Hundreds and thousands

Let's see how each place value is tens times larger than the one to its right, using place value blocks for ones (units), tens, hundreds and thousands.

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Example 2

What number is represented by these blocks?

The image shows 3 hundreds, 4 tens, and 5 ones blocks.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Fill out a place value table to count the blocks.

Apply the idea

Each kind of block represents a different place value.

This image shows a hundred, ten, and one blocks.

We can record how many of each type of block there is in a place value table:


So the number is 345

Idea summary

We can use models like these to help us work out the value of our digits.

The image shows thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones blocks.



applies place value to order, read and represent numbers of up to five digits

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