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6.03 Proving triangles similar

Interactive practice questions

This two-column proof shows that $\Delta ABC\sim\Delta XYZ$ΔABC~ΔXYZ in the attached diagram, but it is incomplete.

Statements Reasons
$\frac{AC}{XZ}=\frac{BC}{ZY}$ACXZ=BCZY Given
$\angle ACB\cong\angle XZY$ACBXZY


$\Delta ABC\sim\Delta XYZ$ΔABC~ΔXYZ

The given two triangles have one pair of corresponding angles that are congruent. The angle in vertex C of triangle(ABC), angle(ACB), corresponds to the angle in vertex Z of triangle(XYZ), angle(XZY).

Select the correct reason to complete the proof.

Angle-angle similarity (AA$\sim$~)


Side-angle-side similarity (SAS$\sim$~)


Side-side-side similarity (SSS$\sim$~)

< 1min

This two-column proof shows that two triangles in the attached diagram are similar, but it is incomplete.

< 1min

This two-column proof shows that two triangles in the attached diagram are similar, but it is incomplete.

< 1min

This two-column proof shows that two triangles in the attached diagram are similar, but it is incomplete.

< 1min
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