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3.06 Proportional reasoning with percents


Recall that a percent is a ratio where the denominator is $100$100. Because of this definition, we can use proportional reasoning strategies to solve problems with percents.

Proportions can be used to represent percent problems as follows:

Percents as a proportion
$\frac{\text{percent}}{100}$percent100 $=$= $\frac{\text{part}}{\text{whole}}$partwhole


Worked example

Question 1

Evaluate: Use a proportion to answer the question, "What percent of 20 is 3?"

Think: We can translate the statement to a proportion. Then use proportional reasoning to solve for the unknown.

The percent is the unknown. So we can use the variable $x$x to represent it.

The number $3$3 is the part and $20$20 is the whole.


$\frac{\text{percent}}{100}$percent100 $=$= $\frac{\text{part}}{whole}$partwhole


$\frac{x}{100}$x100 $=$= $\frac{3}{20}$320

$x$x is the unknown percent.
$3$3 is the part.

$20$20 is the whole.

$\frac{x}{100}$x100 $=$= $\frac{3\times5}{20\times5}$3×520×5

Multiplying the fraction by $\frac{5}{5}$55 gives us a common denominator of $100$100.

$\frac{x}{100}$x100 $=$= $\frac{15}{100}$15100


$x$x $=$= $15$15

If the denominators in a proportion are the same, the numerators must also be the same.


So the number $3$3 is $15%$15% of $20$20

Reflect: Is there another method that we might use to check our solution?


Proportional reasoning with benchmark percents

Suppose we want to check our solution to the first worked example using a different method. Let's see how we can apply proportional reasoning to percents in a different way.

Worked example


Evaluate: Find $15%$15% of $20$20.

Think: It might be easiest to find $10%$10% of $20$20

We can then use half of that amount to find $5%$5% of $20$20. If we add the two amounts, that will give us $15%$15% of $20$20.

Do: First, find $10%$10% of $20$20.

$10%$10% of $20$20 $=$= $0.10\times20$0.10×20

Since $10%=0.10$10%=0.10

  $=$= $2$2




$5%$5% of $20$20  $=$= $\frac{1}{2}\times2$12×2

Since $5%$5% is half of $10%$10%

  $=$= $1$1  
$15%$15% $=$= $10%+5%$10%+5%  
  $=$= $2+1$2+1  
  $=$= $3$3  


So $15%$15% of $20$20 is $3$3.

Reflect: What other percents can we calculate using the benchmark of $10%$10%?


Practice questions

Question 3

Translate the following percentage problem to a proportion. Do not solve or simplify the proportion.

'What percent of $92$92 is $23$23?'

Let the unknown number be $x$x.

Question 4

Translate the following percentage problem to a proportion. Do not solve or simplify the proportion.

'$60%$60% of what number is $144$144?'

Let the unknown number be $x$x.

Question 5

We want to find $45%$45% of $5$5 hours.

  1. How many minutes are there in $5$5 hours?

  2. What is $10%$10% of $300$300 minutes?

  3. What is $5%$5% of $300$300 minutes?

  4. Hence find $45%$45% of $300$300 minutes.



Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations.


c. Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g., 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity); solve problems involving finding the whole given a part and the percent.


Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations e. Solve problems that relate the mass of an object to its volume.

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