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5.035 Volume of pyramids

Interactive practice questions

Find the volume of the rectangular pyramid shown.

A rectangular pyramid with a dashed line representing the height of 5 cm drawn perpendicularly from the apex to the base. The base is a rectangle. The length of the base is marked with single hash marks and measures 8 cm. The width of the base is marked with double hash marks and measures 12 cm. The point where the height meets the base is indicated by a right angle symbol.

A right pyramid has a square base of $24$24 mm and a perpendicular height of $24$24 mm. What is its volume?

< 1min

The Great Pyramid is a right pyramid. It has a square base of side length $230$230 metres and a vertical height of $146$146 metres. Find the volume of the Great Pyramid.


Find the volume of the following pyramid.

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