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4.04 Lengths of similar figures

Interactive practice questions

A stick of height $1.1$1.1 m casts a shadow of length $2.2$2.2 m. At the same time, a tree casts a shadow of $6.2$6.2 m.

The tree that has $h$hm height casts a shadow of $6.2$6.2m long. At the same time, a stick with $1.1$1.1m height casts a shadow of $2.2$2.2m long. When connecting the top of the tree to the tip of its shadow, it forms a right triangle. Also, when connecting the tip of the stick to the tip of its shadow, it forms a right triangle. These two triangles formed are similar due to the side that is represented by the heights of stick and tree correspond to each other. Sides representing the lengths of their shadows are corresponding sides.


If the tree has a height of $h$h metres, solve for $h$h.


The two figures to the right are similar.


A $4.9$4.9 m flagpole casts a shadow of $8.6$8.6 m. Amelia casts a shadow of $2.5$2.5 m.

If Amelia is $h$h metres tall, solve for $h$h correct to one decimal place.


A school building reaching $h$h metres high casts a shadow of $30$30 m while a $3$3 m high tree casts a shadow of $6$6 m. Solve for $h$h.

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