There are three brands of cordial in the market. Calculate either the cost per litre or amount per dollar for each brand, and answer the questions below.
Which is the best buy?
Liquid Gold
$4$4 L for $\$3$$3
$7$7L for $\$12$$12
$14$14 L for $\$7$$7
Which is the most expensive?
Liquid Gold
$4$4 L for $\$3$$3
$7$7L for $\$12$$12
$14$14 L for $\$7$$7
Peter runs daily and usually covers his $19$19 km in $75$75 minutes.
He also enters half marathon and full marathon events. The last time he ran the Sydney half marathon, an event $21$21 km in length, it took him $126$126 minutes.
Two shearers wanted to work out who was the faster shearer.
Jenny sheared $144$144 sheep over $6$6 days, and Sean sheared $115$115 sheep in $5$5 days.
By calculating either the cost per unit or amount per dollar for each item, determine which item is the better value.