Now that we know how to convert both fractions and decimals into percentages, it's time to play around with them a bit and compare these different types of numbers.
Let's take a look at the following question:
Find the number amongst $4\frac{2}{5}$425%, $1.09$1.09, $\frac{61}{1000}$611000, $43%$43%, $\frac{8}{15}$815 that is closest to $50%$50%
Think how can I put them all in the same form so I can compare them easily?
Do Let's convert $1.09$1.09, $\frac{61}{1000}$611000 and $\frac{8}{15}$815 into percentages.
$1.09$1.09 | $=$= | $1.09\times100%$1.09×100% |
$=$= | $109%$109% | |
$\frac{61}{1000}$611000 | $=$= | $\frac{61}{1000}\times100%$611000×100% |
$=$= | $\frac{6100%}{1000}$6100%1000 | |
$=$= | $6.1%$6.1% | |
$\frac{8}{15}$815 | $=$= | $\frac{8}{15}\times100%$815×100% |
$=$= | $\frac{800%}{15}$800%15 | |
$=$= | $53\frac{1}{3}$5313 $%$% |
$4\frac{2}{5}$425% < $6.1%$6.1% < $43%$43% < $53\frac{1}{3}$5313% < $109%$109%
Therefore we can see that the percentage that is closest to $50%$50% is $53\frac{1}{3}$5313% which comes from $\frac{8}{15}$815.
Compare: $0.31$0.31 and $45%$45%
First convert $0.31$0.31 to a percentage.
Which of the two values is greater?
Consider the statement:
$\frac{67}{50}$6750 > $154%$154%
First convert $\frac{67}{50}$6750 to a percentage
Hence, is the statement True or False?