We can add numbers that include decimals in just the same way as we would add whole numbers. We just need to line up the numbers according to their place value. All the same addition strategies apply.
Evaluate: $1.32+7.44$1.32+7.44
Think: Where do these numbers fit in the place value table?
Do: $1.32+7.44=8.76$1.32+7.44=8.76
Evaluate: $12.68+2.035$12.68+2.035
Think: Where do the numbers fit in the place value table?
Do: $12.68+2.035=14.715$12.68+2.035=14.715
Evaluate $0.75+0.48$0.75+0.48
$\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ | |||
+ | 0 | . | 7 | 5 |
0 | . | 4 | 8 | |
$\editable{}$ | . | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ |
Evaluate $0.29$0.29 + $0.96$0.96.
Evaluate $8+\frac{8}{10}+\frac{1}{100}+\frac{1}{1000}$8+810+1100+11000, expressing your answer as a decimal.