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Class VI

Primes and Composites


What is a Prime Number?

A prime number is a whole number greater than $1$1 that only has exactly $2$2 distinct factors, $1$1 and itself. For example, $3$3 is a prime number, since $3=1\times3=3\times1$3=1×3=3×1 and this is the only way we can write $3$3 as the product of two whole numbers. Similarly, $7=1\times7$7=1×7 and $31=1\times31$31=1×31, so $7$7 and $31$31 are also prime numbers.

A common misconception is that $1$1 is a prime number. Thinking back to the definition, that a prime number has exactly two distinct factors, we can see that $1$1 can only be written as a product of two numbers in the form $1\times1$1×1. Since these two numbers are the same (not distinct), then $1$1 cannot be a prime number.

What is a composite number?

A composite number is a number that has factors other than $1$1 and itself. That is, it can be divided evenly by a number some other whole number greater than $1$1.

Look at the picture below:

From the dots, we could make $1$1 group of $12$12, $2$2 groups or $6$6, $3$3 groups of $4$4, $4$4 groups of $3$3, $6$6 groups of $2$2 or even $12$12 groups of $1$1.

So the factors of $12$12 are $1,2,3,4,6$1,2,3,4,6 and $12$12.

Since there are so many ways that these $12$12 dots could be split up into equal groups, the number $12$12 is an example of a composite number. 

Let's look at some others!


$6,14,20$6,14,20 and $21$21 are all composite numbers.

$6$6 can be written as $6\times1$6×1 or $2\times3$2×3.

$14$14 can be written as $1\times14$1×14 or $2\times7$2×7.

$20$20 can be written as $20\times1$20×1 or $10\times2$10×2 or $4\times5$4×5.

$21$21 can be written as $21\times1$21×1 or $3\times7$3×7.

Can you think of some other composite numbers?

Is it prime or composite?

This question is really asking, can the number be divided by another number other than $1$1 or itself? If it can, it is composite. If it can't, it's prime.


question 1

Is $17$17 prime or composite?

$17$17 can only be divided by $1$1 and $17$17, so it is prime.

question 2

Is $25$25 a prime number?

$25$25 can be divided by $1$1 and $25$25, but it can also be divided by $5$5 so the answer would be no, it is a composite number. 

Practice questions

Question 1

True or False?

$40$40 is a composite number.

  1. True




Question 2

List the first prime number after $43$43 .

  1. $\editable{}$

Question 3

True or False?

17 and 19 are twin primes.

  1. True






Multiples and factors, divisibility rule of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11. (All these through observing patterns.

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