Whole numbers can be identified as odd or even.
Even numbers can be divided by two evenly. This means there are no remainders or splitting numbers in half. Odd numbers cannot be divided by two evenly; they have a remainder of 1.
Let's learn more about this by watching a video.
If the number ends in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0, it is even.
If it ends in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9, it is odd.
Tobias has $14$14 blocks and wants to divide them into two equal groups. When doing this, Tobias doesn't break any of the blocks into pieces.
How many blocks will there be in each group?
Were there any blocks left over?
Is $14$14 an even number?
Carl has $13$13 blocks and wants to divide them into two equal groups that are as big as possible. When doing this, Carl doesn't break any of the blocks into pieces.
How many blocks will there be in each group?
Were there any blocks left over?
Is $13$13 an even number?
Ellie said that when she divided her birthday sweets up between her and her sister that there was one left over.
Was the number of sweets odd or even?