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Grade 6

Area of parallelograms

Interactive practice questions

Find the area of the parallelogram shown.


A parallelogram is shown. The base measures 21cm. The height measures 20 cm, as represented by a vertical dashed line inside the parallelogram which is drawn perpendicularly from the top side to the bottom right vertex.

< 1min

Find the area of the parallelogram shown.

< 1min

Find the area of the parallelogram shown.

< 1min

An area measuring $2016$2016 cm2 is to be paved with identical tiles in the shape of parallelograms. Each tile measures $14$14 cm along the base, and has a perpendicular height of $6$6 cm.

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Determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationship between the area of a rectangle and the areas of parallelograms and triangles, by decomposing (e.g., cutting up a parallelogram into a rectangle and two congruent triangles) and composing (e.g., combining two congruent triangles to form a parallelogram)


Solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the areas of triangles and the areas of parallelograms

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