The numbers $3$3 and $-3$−3 have been marked on the number line. Which one of the following is true?
A horizontal number line ranging from $-10$−10 to $10$10, with major tick marks at $-10$−10, $-5$−5, $0$0, $5$5, and $10$10. Between each labeled major tick, there are $4$4 minor tick marks indicating $1$1 unit increments. Two points, represented by a filled diamond, are plotted on the number line at $-3$−3 and $3$3. No other point is plotted on the number line.
$3$3 and $-3$−3 appear on opposite sides of $0$0, but are not the same distance from $0$0.
$3$3 and $-3$−3 are the same distance from $0$0, but do not have the same value.
$3$3 and $-3$−3 are the same distance from $0$0, and have the same value.
Which one of the following completes the statement "Two integers are opposites if ______ "?
Using the number line below:
Consider the two numbers marked on the number line.