This table describes the departures of trains out of a train station for the months of March and April.
Month | Departed on time | Delayed |
March | $148$148 | $38$38 |
April | $140$140 | $20$20 |
How many trains departed during March and April?
What percentage of the trains in April were delayed? Write your answer as a percentage to 1 decimal place.
What fraction of the total number of trains during the 2 months were ones that departed on time in March?
What is the probability that a train selected at random in April would have departed on time?
Give your answer as a simplified fraction.
What is the probability that a train selected at random from the 2 months was delayed?
Give your answer as a simplified fraction.
Two motels promoted packages for one night and two night stays. This two way table records the results.
The following table has been drawn up to show the results of a survey on smoking.
Buzz surveyed all the students in Year 12 at his school and summarised the results in the following table: