This table describes the departures of trains out of a train station for the months of March and April.
Month | Departed on time | Delayed |
March | $148$148 | $38$38 |
April | $140$140 | $20$20 |
How many trains departed during March and April?
What percentage of the trains in April were delayed? Write your answer as a percentage to 1 decimal place.
What fraction of the total number of trains during the 2 months were ones that departed on time in March?
What is the probability that a train selected at random in April would have departed on time?
Give your answer as a simplified fraction.
What is the probability that a train selected at random from the 2 months was delayed?
Give your answer as a simplified fraction.
The ratio of males to females on a train is $7:4$7:4. If the train is carrying $429$429 passengers:
The perimeter of this triangle is $189$189 cm.
Consider the following stem-and-leaf plot.