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Ratios and Imperial and Metric Units

Interactive practice questions

The ratio of ounces to grams is $1:28$1:28. Use this fact to complete the workings below for finding out how many grams are equal to $10$10 ounces.

    $1$1 : $28$28    
× $\editable{}$       × $10$10
    $\editable{}$ : $\editable{}$    
< 1min

We want to find how long a $60$60 mile journey would take if you were traveling at $90$90 miles per hour.


Fill in the ratio table below, then use it to answer the following questions.


The ratio of kilograms to ounces is $1:2.2$1:2.2. Use this fact to complete the workings below for finding out how many ounces are equal to $5$5 kilograms.

< 1min
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