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Estimating Percentages II

Interactive practice questions

Which point on the line is closest to $56%$56%?

A horizontal number line ranging from 0% on the far left to 100% on the far right. This number line is divided into equal segments, each representing a 10% interval, but only the 0% and 100% markers are labeled. Four arrows, labeled A, B, C, and D, are positioned above the line, each pointing downwards to specific intervals on the scale. (The arrow labeled A points between 20% and 30%, B's arrow points between 30% and 40%, C's arrow is between 50% and 60%, and D's arrow is between 80% and 90%. The location of the arrows is not explicitly given, so just use them as hints for the students. Remember that the students are asked which of the letters is closest to the given number.)








< 1min

Which percentage below is the best estimate for the amount of the bar shaded black?

< 1min

A selection of people with a Facebook account were asked their ages. To the nearest $5%$5%, approximately what percentage of people were aged $15$15 to $25$25?

< 1min

What percentage of the triangles are shaded blue?

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