- To practise with finding direct numbers in real life.
- To practise with ordering integers.
- To practise with placement on a number line.
- Internet
- Construction paper
- Crayons or Markers
Work on your own or in small groups.
- Go to this website to look up the average temperature per month of any city in the world. View the temperatures in Celsius. Pick three cities and research their average monthly temperatures.
- Use one piece of construction paper and crayons or markers to draw 3 tables - one showing monthly temperatures for each city. Use these tables to record the data you found.
Follow-Up Questions
Use the data you found to answer these questions.
- For each city list the average monthly temperatures from least to greatest.
- Which city reaches the highest temperature?
- Which city reaches the lowest temperature?
- Compare with a friend! Did they have a city that reached a higher temperature than any of your cities? Did they have a city that reached a lower temperature than any of your cities? Explain.
- Pick one of the cities you researched and make a number line large enough to fit all of the average monthly temperatures for that city. Then, circle the temperatures for each month on the number line.
- What is the difference between the hottest and the coldest month of the city you chose?
- Write the amount the temperature decreases between the hottest and coolest month as a direct number.
- Compare the direct number you found in question 7 with your friend! Is their number greater or smaller than yours? What does this tell you about your cities?