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Divide a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number using area or array model


When we need to divide a three digit number, such as $400$400 by a one digit number, such as $8$8, we can use arrays and area models to help us.  

We can also start with a simpler problem, such as $40$40 divided by $8$8, (also written as $40\div8$40÷​8) which helps us as well.

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Worked examples

Question 1

Let's use an area model to find the answer to $133\div7$133÷​7.

  1. We set up the area model using a rectangle like this.

    Total area: $133$133

    Now if we don't know straight away what $133\div7$133÷​7 is, we start with something we do know, like groups of $10$10.

    Fill in the area used so far if we take out $10$10 groups of $7$7.

    $7$7 $\editable{}$
    Total area: $133$133
  2. How much area is remaining?

    $7$7 $70$70 $\editable{}$
    Total area: $133$133
  3. What is the width of the second rectangle?

      $10$10 $\editable{}$
    $7$7 $70$70 $63$63
      Total area: $133$133
  4. Using the area model above, what is $133\div7$133÷​7?

Question 2

We want to find $108\div6$108÷​6.

  1. Fill in the boxes to complete the area model.

      $10$10 $\editable{}$
    $6$6 $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$
      Total area: $108$108
  2. Using the area model above, what is $108\div6$108÷​6?

Question 3

We want to find $138\div6$138÷​6.

  1. Fill in the widths of the rectangles on the area model.

    $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$
    $6$6 $66$66 $72$72
    Total area: $138$138
  2. Using the area model above, what is $138\div6$138÷​6?



Record and interpret additive and simple multiplicative strategies, using words, diagrams, and symbols, with an understanding of equality

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