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Lists and tables


Sometimes, we have some data we want to investigate and putting it in a table or list can help us make sense of it. Maybe we want to see which ice cream sold the most, which pet is most popular etc. We can create a table showing the results of looking at our data. Let's see how by watching a video.

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Data can be shown as:

  • a list - our data is written out, usually in words
  • a table - where we list each 'type' and a total for each type
  • a column graph - where columns show 'how many' of each type


Worked Examples

Question 1

Rosey asks $15$15 of her friends what their favourite colour is. She writes down their answer. Here is what she wrote down:

pink, blue, yellow, blue, green, pink, blue, blue, blue, pink, pink, blue, green, pink, blue

  1. Count the number of each colour and fill in the table.

    Colour Number of friends
    Pink $\editable{}$
    Green $\editable{}$
    Blue $\editable{}$
    Yellow $\editable{}$

Question 2

Ellie asks her friends what they like to eat when they go out with their family. She puts her results in the following table.

Food Number of Friends
Hamburger $3$3
Taco $4$4
Icecream $11$11
Kebab $2$2
  1. How many friends did Ellie ask?

  2. Which food do Ellie's friends like the least?









Question 3

Amelia is looking at the cookbooks on the shelf at her grandparent's house. She counts how many there are of each type and put the results in the following table.

Type of Cookbook Number of Cookbooks
Baking $2$2
Italian $3$3
Quick Meals $2$2
Gourmet $4$4
  1. Amelia wants to draw a column graph of this information.

    How many columns will she need to draw?

  2. Draw the column graph that matches the table of information.

    CookbooksType of CookbookNumber of Cookbooks5BakingItalianQuick MealsGourmet



Conduct investigations using the statistical enquiry cycle:– posing and answering questions; – gathering, sorting, and displaying category and whole-number data; – communicating findings based on the data.

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