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Construct numbers (1000 to 10000)


Building numbers

When we build numbers, we look at how the number is made. We may have units, tens, hundreds, thousands or even bigger values in our number. 

objects to help

To help us, we can use objects to represent $1$1$10$10 , $100$100 and $1000$1000. Icy pole sticks are great for bundles of 10, and we can create $100$100 with $10$10 bundles of $10$10 and make numbers up to 1000. Once we start looking at bigger numbers, MAB blocks really help us. Here are the blocks we use

MAB blocks
1 1 100 1000

Building a number

In our first video, we look at what makes up a number in the thousands. We can break it into its parts and then look at how many thousands, hundreds, tens or units (ones) it has.

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What number is this?

What if we have a number broken into parts and we need to figure out what the whole number is? We can do this by joining the parts together. 

We can also look at what happens when we have $10$10 or more of a number, as we have to do something special in that case. Take a look at Video  2, where we see how $14$14 of these  can be renamed as $1$1 of these  , and $4$4 of these .

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If we have $10$10 or more of a particular value, we need to regroup.

E.g. $12$12 units is the same as $1$1 ten and $2$2 units.

Worked examples

Question 1

Answer the following questions.

  1. Write the number that is made up of $3$3 hundreds, $8$8 tens and $7$7 ones (units).

  2. Write the number that is made up of $2$2 thousands, $3$3 hundreds, $8$8 tens and $7$7 ones (units).

Question 2

For the following questions use the digits $4$4, $7$7, $2$2 and $5$5.

  1. Make the smallest number possible.

  2. Make the second smallest number possible.

Question 3

Let's look at the number $2365$2365.

  1. How many tens are in the number $2365$2365?

  2. How many hundreds are in the number $2365$2365?




Know how many ones, tens, and hundreds are in whole numbers to at least 1000.


Generalise that whole numbers can be partitioned in many ways

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