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7.02 Volume of square-based pyramids


Interactive practice questions

Find the exact volume of the right pyramid pictured.

A pyramid having a base with four sides is illustrated with solid lines forming the base and the edges leading to the apex. The base has two sides adjacent to each other that measures 11 mm. A line is drawn from the apex perpendicular to the base, and this line is measures 7 mm. The line intersects the base at a right angle, indicated by a small square symbol. Dotted lines are used to show edges of the base that are not directly visible from the perspective of the pyramid.

Some very famous right pyramids are the Egyptian Pyramids.

Pictured here is the Great Pyramid. It has a square base of side length 230 meters and a vertical height of 146 meters. Find the volume of the Great Pyramid.


Some very famous right pyramids are the Egyptian Pyramids.

Pictured here is the Great Pyramid. It has a square base of side length 230 meters and a vertical height of 146 meters. Find the volume of the Great Pyramid.


Suppose one particular pyramid in Egypt has a square base of side length $231$231 meters and with a perpendicular height of $144$144 meters.

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The student will investigate and determine the surface area of square-based pyramids and the volume of cones and square-based pyramids.


Determine the volume of cones and square-based pyramids, using concrete objects, diagrams, and formulas.


Examine and explain the relationship between the volume of cones and cylinders, and the volume of rectangular prisms and square based pyramids.


Solve problems in context involving volume of cones and square-based pyramids and the surface area of square-based pyramids.

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