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6.04 Perimeter and area of composite shapes

Perimeter of composite shapes

A composite figure is any figure that can be subdivided into two or more shapes. Many composite shapes can be made by combining shapes like triangles, squares, rectangles, and parallelograms in different ways.

One vertical rectangle and two right triangles facing each other to form a rectangle.

The rectangle on the left is a composite shape built from two smaller triangles.

Composite shape composed of a rectangle with triangle on top, parallelogram below, and a semi circle at the right.

Dashed lines can be used to visualize what shapes make up a composite shape.

Recall that perimeter is the path or distance around any plane figure. The perimeter of a circle is called the circumference. We have formulas that can be helpful with certain shapes, including the perimeter of a rectangle, P= 2\cdot \left(l + w\right), and the circumference of a circle, C=2\pi r.

We can use what we already know about finding the perimeter of a polygon to calculate the perimeter of a composite shape.

When finding perimeter, we can use the side lengths we are given to find the lengths of any unknown sides.

Let's take a look at how we can break up this shape into two rectangles to help us find the length of the two unlabeled sides.

A composite shape of two rectangles, forming a shape similar to L. For the vertical part, the left side is 10cm and the top is 5cm. For the horizontal part, the right side is 4cm, and top (exposed part) is 7cm.
Original composite figure
A composite shape of two rectangles, forming a shape similar to L. For the vertical part, the left side is 10cm and the top is 5cm. For the horizontal part, the right side is 4cm, and top (exposed part) is 7cm. A dashed line is drawn to show the full rectangle shape of the horizontal rectangle part.
Figure divided into two rectangles
A composite shape of two rectangles, forming a shape similar to L. For the vertical part, the left side is 10cm and the top is 5cm. For the horizontal part, the right side is 4cm, the base is 12cm, and top (exposed part) is 7cm. A dashed line is drawn to show the full rectangle shape of the horizontal rectangle part. The height from the top of the horizontal rectangle to the top of the vertical rectangle is 6cm.

Now we can use what we know about the opposite sides of rectangles having the same length to find the unknown side lengths.

To find the length of the right side of rectangle 1 we take the 10 \text{ cm} side and subtract the 4 \text{ cm} side to get 6 \text{ cm}.

To find the length of the bottom side of rectangle 2 we add the 5 \text{ cm} side to the 7 \text{ cm} side to get 12\text{ cm} .

Now we can find the perimeter by finding the sum of all the side lengths.

\text{Perimeter} = 10+5+6+7+4+12

=44 \text{ cm}

Sometimes we don't have enough information to find all of the unknown side lengths by decomposing a shape. Let's look at another way we could visualize the perimeter of a composite figure.

Here we have moved the sides of the figure to create a rectangle that has the same perimeter of the original figure. We know it has the same perimeter because we did not add, remove, or change the length of any sides.

A shape made up of multiple components that has a width of 13in and a height of 8in. Ask your teacher for more information

So the perimeter of the composite shape will be the same as the perimeter of the rectangle which we can calculate as:

\displaystyle \text{Perimeter}\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2 \cdot \left(8+13\right)
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2 \cdot 21
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 42 \text{ in}

When using this method it is important to keep track of any sides that do not get moved.

A shape made up of multiple components that has a width of 11ft and a height of 5ft. Ask your teacher for more information.

Notice that we moved the indented edge to complete the rectangle but we still need to count the two edges that weren't moved because they are part of the perimeter of the original figure.

So we can calculate the perimeter of the composite shape as the perimeter of the rectangle, plus the two 2 \text{ ft} sides:

\displaystyle \text{Perimeter}\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2 \cdot \left(5+11\right)+2+2
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2 \cdot 16+4
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 32+4
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 36 \text{ ft}

With our knowledge of the perimeter of simple shapes like rectangles, triangles, and circles, we can often find creative ways to work out the perimeter of more complicated composite shapes.


Example 1

Consider the following figure.

This image shows a composite shape with side lengths 2 meters, 12 meters, 9 meters, 4 meters, x and y. Ask your teacher for more information.

Find the length x.

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The vertical side on the left has the same length as the two vertical sides on the right added together.

Apply the idea
This image shows a composite shape with side lengths 2 meters, 12 meters, 9 meters, 4 meters, x and y. Ask your teacher for more information.

The side length x will be equal to the difference between the other two vertical side lengths.

\displaystyle x\displaystyle =\displaystyle 9 - 2 \text{ m}Subtract the lengths of two vertical sides
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 7 \text{ m}Evaluate

Find the length y.

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The horizontal side on the bottom has the same length as the two horizontal sides on the top added together.

Apply the idea
This image shows a composite shape with side lengths 2 meters, 12 meters, 9 meters, 4 meters, x and y. Ask your teacher for more information.

The side length y will be equal to the difference between the other two horizontal side lengths.

\displaystyle y\displaystyle =\displaystyle 12 - 4 \text{ m}Subtract the lengths of two horizontal sides
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 8 \text{ m}Evaluate

Calculate the perimeter of the figure.

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Add all the side lengths in the figure.

This image shows a composite shape with side lengths 2 meters, 12 meters, 9 meters, 4 meters, 7meters and 8meters. Ask your teacher for more information.
Apply the idea

Substitute x=7 \text{ m} and y=8 \text{ m}.

\displaystyle \text{Perimeter}\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2+12+9+4+7+8 \text{ m}Add all the side lengths
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 42 \text{ m}Evaluate

Example 2

Find the perimeter of the figure.

This image shows a composite shape with four of the sides have length 6 cm and the other four have length 7 cm. Ask your teacher for more information.
Worked Solution
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Use the markings on all sides of the figure to identify each side length. Add all the side lengths in the figure.

Apply the idea

Four of the sides have length 6\text{ cm} and the other four have length 7\text{ cm}.

This image shows a composite shape with four of the sides have length 6 cm and the other four have length 7 cm. Ask your teacher for more information.
\displaystyle \text{Perimeter}\displaystyle =\displaystyle 4 \cdot 6+4 \cdot 7 \text{ cm}Add all the side lengths
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 24 + 28\text{ cm}Evaluate the multiplication
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 52\text{ cm}Evaluate the sum

Example 3

Find the perimeter of the following figure. Use the \pi button on your calculator, rounding your final answer to one decimal place.

This image shows a composite shape consisting an isosceles triangle with leg length of 17 cm and semicircle with a diameter of 23 cm. The base side of the triangle and diameter of the circle are the same.
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Add the two straight sides of the triangle and the circumference of the semicircle.

Apply the idea

First, let's find the partial perimeter of the triangle. The tick marks show that both sides are 17\text{ cm} . Keep in mind we are not including the third, 23\text{ cm} side in this calculation because it is not part of the perimeter of the composite figure.

\displaystyle \text{Perimeter} _\triangle\displaystyle =\displaystyle 17 + 17Add the two given sides of triangle

\text{Perimeter}_\triangle= 34\text{ cm}

Now let's find the circumference of the semicircle. The circumference of a circle is given by C=2\pi r, but since we have a semicircle, half of a circle, we also need to divide by C=2\pi r.

To find the radius for the formula we will find half of the diameter. The diamter is 23 \text{ cm}, so the radius is 11.5 \text{ cm}.

\displaystyle \text{Circumference}\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{2\pi r}{2}Use circumference formula divided by 2
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{\cancel{2}\pi \cdot 11.5}{\cancel{2}}Substitute r=11.5
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \pi \cdot 11.5Divide out the 2
\displaystyle \approx\displaystyle 36.1 \text{ cm}Evaluate to one decimal place

Now that we have found the partial perimeter of the triangle and the circumference of the semicircle, we can add the two perimeters together to get the perimeter of the entire figure.

\displaystyle \text{Perimeter}\displaystyle \approx\displaystyle 34 \text{ cm} + 36.1 \text{ cm}Add the two perimeters together
\displaystyle \approx\displaystyle 70.1\text{ cm}Evaluate the sum correct to one decimal place
Reflect and check

Notice that our answer is approximate, indicated by \approx. This is because we used an approximate value of \pi. If we wanted an exact answer we could have written our answer in terms of \pi as \left(34 +11.5 \pi \right) \text{ cm}.

Example 4

Here is an outline of a block of land owned by a farmer, who wants to put up fencing along the land to help keep all their cattle safe.

A right trapezoid with side labeled x centimetres. Ask your teacher for more information.

Find the length of the side labeled x\operatorname{m}.

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Visualize the block of land as combination of triangle and rectangle as shown.

A right trapezoid consisting of rectangle and right triangle. Ask your teacher for more information.

Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length x.

Apply the idea

The two sides would be 8 \operatorname{m} and 32-17 = 15 \operatorname{m}.

\displaystyle a^{2}+b^{2}\displaystyle =\displaystyle a^{2}Write the formula of Pythagorean theorem
\displaystyle 8^{2}+15^{2}\displaystyle =\displaystyle x^{2}Substitute x, \, 8 and 15 into the formula
\displaystyle \sqrt{15^2+8^2}\displaystyle =\displaystyle xTake the square root of both sides
\displaystyle \sqrt{225+64}\displaystyle =\displaystyle xEvaluate the square roots
\displaystyle \sqrt{289}\displaystyle =\displaystyle xEvaluate the addition
\displaystyle 17 \operatorname{ m}\displaystyle =\displaystyle xEvaluate the square root
\displaystyle x\displaystyle =\displaystyle 17 \operatorname{ m}Symmetric property

Find the perimeter of the block of land in meters.

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Add up all the lengths of the sides.

A right trapezoid consisting of rectangle and right triangle. Ask your teacher for more information.
Apply the idea
\displaystyle \text{Perimeter}\displaystyle =\displaystyle 17+17+8+32 \operatorname{m}Add together the four straight side lengths
\displaystyle \text{Perimeter}\displaystyle =\displaystyle 74 \operatorname{m}Evaluate
Idea summary

The perimeter of the composite shape can be found by determining the length of each side and then summing them up.

We can divide composite figures into more familiar figures to help with finding unknown measures.

Formulas that can help us: the perimeter of a rectangle, P= 2\cdot \left(l + w\right), and the circumference of a circle, C=2\pi r.

Area of composite shapes


The following applet shows how a composite shape can be broken down into pieces of basic shapes in order to find the area.

Drag the slider slowly to reveal each basic shape and its area.

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  1. Identify the basic shapes that make up the composite shape shown in the applet.

  2. How does the total area of the composite shape compare to the sum of the areas of the individual shapes?

To find the area of composite shapes, break them down into simpler shapes like rectangles, triangles, and circles. Calculate the area of each shape, then add them together to determine the total area of the composite shape. This is often called the addition method.

This image shows a composite shape. Ask your teacher for more information.

We can divide this figure into two rectangles to find the area. We see that the top rectangle has an area of 5 \text{ m}\cdot3\text{ m}=15\text{ m}^2, and the bottom rectangle has an area of 8\text{ m}\cdot4\text{ m}=32\text{ m}^2. So the total figure has an area of 15\text{ m}^2+32\text{ m}^2=47\text{ m}^2.

There will usually be more than one way to break up a composite shape. Some ways may be easier than others, depending on the lengths that we are given, and whether it is possible to find the missing lengths.

A shape consists of a square with side lengths of 6 centimetres and two semicircles. Ask your teacher for more information

For example, this shape consists of a square with side lengths of 6 \text{ cm} and two semicircles. We could also look at it as the combination of a square and a circle (since each semicircle is half of a circle) giving us the area calculation:

\text{Area}=\text{Area of square}+\text{Area of circle}

\text{Area}=6 \cdot 6+ \pi \cdot 6^{2} \approx 149.1 \text{ cm}^2

Sometimes we don't have enough information to calculate the area of all of the individual shapes that make a composite figure. In these cases we may need to find the area of a larger shape and subtract the area that is not part of the composite shape. This is called the subtraction method.

This image shows the formula of calculating a particular composite shape. Ask your teacher for more information.

Here are some area formulas we find ourselves using often with composite figures:

A rectangle with base and height labels
Rectangle: A=b\cdot h
A triangle with base and height labels
Triangle: A = \dfrac{1}{2}\cdot b \cdot h
A parallelogram with base and height labels
Parallelogram: A=b\cdot h,
A trapezoid with base, height and apex labels
Trapezoid: A=\dfrac{1}{2}h\left(b_1+b_2\right)
A square with side label
Square: A=s^{2}
A circle with its radius labeled.
Circle: A=\pi \cdot r^2

The area of a semicircle is half the area of a circle with the same diameter or radius.


Example 5

Consider the composite shape.

 A composite shape with 6 sides. Ask your teacher for more information

Which basic shapes make up this composite shape?

A rectangle minus two triangles
One rectangle and two trapezoids
Two parallelograms
Two trapezoids
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We can construct a line on the composite shape to break it up into its components.

Apply the idea
A composite shape with 6 sides divided into 2 trapeziums. Ask your teacher for more information

As we can see there are two trapezoids in this construction.

So, the correct option is D.


Find the area of the composite shape.

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We can find the area of the composite shape by adding the areas of the two trapezoids using formula \text{A}=\dfrac{1}{2}\left(b_1+b_2\right)h.

Apply the idea

Since the two trapezoids are identical we can multiply the trapezoid formula by 2.

\displaystyle \text{Area}\displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}h\left(b_1+b_2\right) \cdot 2 Formula for the area of a trapezoid times 2
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}(5)\left(7+15\right)\cdot 2Substitute the values
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 110\, \text{cm}^2Evaluate

Example 6

Find the total area of the figure shown.

This image shows a composite shape. Ask your teacher for more information.
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Divide the shape into three shapes, two paralellograms and one rectangle.

This image shows a composite shape. Ask your teacher for more information.
Apply the idea

Area of parallelograms:

\displaystyle A\displaystyle =\displaystyle b\cdot hUse the area of parallelogram formula
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 19\cdot6Substitute b=19 and h=6
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 114Evaluate
\displaystyle \text{Both parallelograms}\displaystyle =\displaystyle 114\cdot2Multiply the area by 2
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 228Evaluate

Area of rectangle:

\displaystyle A\displaystyle =\displaystyle l\cdot wUse the area of rectangle formula
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 19\cdot15Substitute l=19 and w=15
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 285Evaluate

Total Area:

\displaystyle A\displaystyle =\displaystyle 228+285Add the areas of the parallelograms and the rectangle
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 513\text{ cm}^2Evaluate

Example 7

Find the shaded area in the figure shown.

This image shows a composite shape with cutaways. Ask your teacher for more information.
Worked Solution
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Subtract the area of the triangle from the area of the parallelogram.

Parallelogram minus the triangle.
Apply the idea

Area of triangle:

\displaystyle A\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac12\cdot b\cdot hUse the area of triangle formula
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac12\cdot14\cdot3Substitute b=14 and h=3
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 21Evaluate

Area of parallelogram:

\displaystyle A\displaystyle =\displaystyle b\cdot hUse the area of parallelogram formula
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 14\cdot6Substitute b=14 and h=6
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 84Evaluate

Area of composite shape:

\displaystyle A\displaystyle =\displaystyle 84-21Subtract the area of triangle from the area of parallelogram
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 63\text{ cm}^2Evaluate
Idea summary

The area of the composite shape can be found by finding the area of each of the smaller shapes, and then adding them to get the total area.

Sometimes it is easier to take a subtractive approach and find the area of a larger, familiar figure and subtract the area of shapes that are not part of the composite figure.

Some formulas we often use are:

  • Area of Circle: A=\pi \cdot r^2

  • Area of a Trapezoid: A = \dfrac{1}{2} h (b_1+b_2)

  • Area of a Parallelogram: A=b\cdot h

  • Area of a Triangle: A = \dfrac{1}{2}\cdot b \cdot h

  • Area of a Rectangle: A=b\cdot h

  • Area of a Square: A=s^2



The student will solve area and perimeter problems involving composite plane figures, including those in context.


Subdivide a plane figure into triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, parallelograms, circles, and semicircles. Determine the area of subdivisions and combine to determine the area of the composite plane figure.


Subdivide a plane figure into triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, parallelograms, and semicircles. Use the attributes of the subdivisions to determine the perimeter of the composite plane figure.


Apply perimeter, circumference, and area formulas to solve contextual problems involving composite plane figures.

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