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1.02 Add and subtract rational numbers

Add and subtract rational numbers

When adding or subtracting rational numbers, it is helpful to write the numbers in the same form like we did when comparing rational numbers.

Let's review some of the key points for adding and subtracting with different types of rational numbers.

  • Fractions: make sure that there is a common denominator. Once the denominators are equal, we add the numerators and the denominator remains the same.

    \displaystyle \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{4}\displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{⬚}{12} + \frac{⬚}{12}The least common denominator between 3 and 4 is 12.
    \displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{1}{3}\cdot \frac{4}{4} + \frac{1}{4} \cdot \frac{3}{3}Multiply to create common denominator
    \displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{4}{12} + \frac{3}{12}Evaluate the multiplication
    \displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{7}{12}Add the fractions and keep common denominator
  • Mixed numbers: it is usually helpful to change any mixed numbers into improper fractions and then follow the same steps for adding fractions.

    \displaystyle 1\frac{2}{3} + 2\frac{1}{4}\displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{5}{3} + \frac{9}{4}Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions
    \displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{5}{3}\cdot \frac{4}{4} + \frac{9}{4} \cdot \frac{3}{3}Multiply to get least common denominator of 12.
    \displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{20}{12} + \frac{27}{12}Evaluate the multiplication
    \displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{47}{12}Add the fractions and keep common denominator
    \displaystyle =\displaystyle 3 \frac{11}{12}Convert back to a mixed number
  • Decimals: we can use a vertical algorithm to line up the decimals and their place values. Pay careful attention to whether a whole is gained during additon or lost during subtraction.

\quad\quad\,\,\text{Tens }\,\text{ Ones }. \text{ Tenths}\\ \begin{array}{c} & & & & & & 8 & . & 2&&&\\ + & & & & & & 3 & . & 5 & &\\ \hline & & & & 1 & & 1 & . & 7\\ \hline \end{array}

Using the number line or zero pairs may be helpful when working positive and negative rational numbers.

A number line with marks from negative 5 tenths to positive 4 tenths. A point is located on the 4 tenths mark and an arrow directs to the point on negative 3 tenths to show how the expression four tenths plus negative 7 tenths is illustrated.

For example, adding -\dfrac{7}{10} to \dfrac{4}{10} is the same as subtracting \dfrac{7}{10}

On the number line, this is moving \dfrac{7}{10} units to the left of the \dfrac{4}{10}

This gives us: \dfrac{4}{10}+ \left(-\dfrac{7}{10}\right) = -\dfrac{3}{10}

It is helpful to understand how to interpret adjacent signs with rational numbers:

  • Adding a positive integer means we move to the right, and simplify the problem to addition:2 + (+3) \quad = \quad 2 + 3
  • Adding a negative decimal means we move to the left, and simplify the problem to subtraction:4.5 + (-1.5) \quad = \quad 4.5 - 1.5
  • Subtracting a positive fraction means we move to the left, and simplify the problem to subtraction:\frac{5}{6} - \left(+\frac{1}{6}\right) \quad = \quad \frac{5}{6} - \frac{1}{6}
  • Subtracting a negative mixed number means we move to the right, and simplify the problem to addition:3\frac{1}{4} - \left(-\frac{3}{4}\right) \quad = \quad 3\frac{1}{4} + \frac{3}{4}


Example 1

Calculate 3+4-\left(-\dfrac{4}{5}\right).

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Follow the order of operations and evaluate the addition and subtraction from left to right.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle 3+4-\left(-\dfrac{4}{5}\right)\displaystyle =\displaystyle 7-\left(-\dfrac{4}{5}\right)Evaluate the addition
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 7+\dfrac{4}{5}Combine adjacent signs
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 7\dfrac45Write as a mixed number
Reflect and check

Alternatively, we could have also converted 7 to an improper fraction, and performed the addition to get an improper fraction as our answer.

\displaystyle 3+4-\left(-\dfrac{4}{5}\right)\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{7}{1}-\left(-\dfrac{4}{5}\right)Convert 7 to an improper fraction
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{7}{1}+\dfrac{4}{5}Combine adjacent signs
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{7}{1} \cdot \dfrac{5}{5}+\dfrac{4}{5}Multiply for common denominator of 5
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{35}{5} +\dfrac{4}{5}Evaluate the multiplication
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{39}{5}Add numerators and keep common denominator

However, converting the result back into a mixed number gives us a better idea of the size of the number which can be helpful when solving real-world problems.

Example 2

Evaluate -7\dfrac{5}{8}+4.375, writing your answer as a mixed number.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Convert both numbers into improper fractions, perform the addition, then convert the answer back into a mixed number.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle -7\dfrac{5}{8}+4.375\displaystyle =\displaystyle -\dfrac{61}{8}+4.375Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction
\displaystyle =\displaystyle -\dfrac{61}{8}+\dfrac{35}{8}Convert the decimal to an improper fraction
\displaystyle =\displaystyle -\dfrac{61+35}{8}Add the numerators
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{-26}{8}Evaluate the addition
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{-13}{4}Simplify the fraction
\displaystyle =\displaystyle -3\dfrac{1}{4}Convert the improper fraction to a mixed number
Idea summary

Operations with fractions:

  • When adding or subtracting fractions, be sure there is a common denominator. Then add or subtract the numerators and keep the denominator.

  • When there is a mixed number, change it to an improper fraction, and proceed as if this were a normal fraction operation.

  • If you have adjacent positive (plus) and negative (minus) signs, this will become a minus sign.

  • If you have two adjacent negative (minus) signs, this will become an addition sign.

  • When adding two numbers with different signs, we can use the number line to illustrate the process.



The student will estimate, solve, and justify solutions to multistep contextual problems involving operations with rational numbers.


Estimate, solve, and justify solutions to contextual problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with rational numbers expressed as integers, fractions (proper or improper), mixed numbers, and decimals. Fractions may be positive or negative. Decimals may be positive or negative and are limited to the thousandths place.


The student will simplify numerical expressions, simplify and generate equivalent algebraic expressions in one variable, and evaluate algebraic expressions for given replacement values of the variables.


Use the order of operations and apply the properties of real numbers to simplify numerical expressions. Exponents are limited to 1, 2, 3, or 4 and bases are limited to positive integers. Expressions should not include braces { } but may include brackets [ ] and absolute value bars | |. Square roots are limited to perfect squares.*

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