We can use the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percents to compare and order them based on their size. But first, let's review a few important terms:
Let's compare the numbers:
10\%, \, 0.6, \, \dfrac{5}{10}
To get an idea of their size we can plot each on a number line.
A number line isn't always the most efficient method to compare a list of numbers. If our denominator of the fraction was very large we would need a lot more divisions on the fraction number line.
To avoid this, we can compare fractions, decimals and percents algebraically if we convert them to be in the same form. Begin by looking at the given list and deciding which form would be most helpful to make the comparisons.
10\%, \text{ } 0.6, \text{ } \dfrac{5}{10}
You may think it makes the most sense to make comparisons as decimals, changing them to be 0.1, 0.6, and 0.5. While someone else might think it makes the most sense to convert them all to percentages, such as 10\%, 60\%, and 50\%. Which form you choose doesn't matter as long as it is the same for each number in the list.
Fill in the ⬚ with < or > to make a correct comparison between the numbers.
3.5 ⬚ 35\%
35\% ⬚ \dfrac{3}{5}
\dfrac{3}{5} ⬚ 0.8
Arrange \dfrac {9}{10} , 40\% and 0.5 in descending order using percentages.
First, convert \dfrac {9}{10} to a percentage.
Now convert 0.5 to a percentage.
Which of the following arranges \dfrac{9}{10}, \enspace 40\% and 0.5 in descending order?
When we need to compare a list of fractions, decimals and percents, converting them to be in the same form can make it easier to compare. Look at the given list and decide which form would be most helpful to make the comparisons in.