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7.04 Applications of similarity


Interactive practice questions

A man wants to measure his height. He stands in the sun and takes note of where his shadow ends and places a stick vertically in the ground at this point. He then measures the height and length of the stick and its shadow. The figure shows the results.

A man is shown standing. He casts a shadow 144 cm long. A vertical stick measuring 47 cm is placed at the tip of the man’s shadow. The stick casts a shadow 70.5 cm long. A line is drawn from the tip of the man’s shadow to the top of his head. Another line, parallel and equal in length to the first line, is drawn from the tip of the stick’s shadow towards the man’s head.

Find $h$h, the height of the man.


A $4.9$4.9 m high flagpole casts a shadow of $4.5$4.5 m. At the same time, the shadow of a nearby building falls at the same point (S). The shadow cast by the building measures $13.5$13.5 m. Find $h$h, the height of the building, using a proportion statement.


A stick of height $1.1$1.1 m casts a shadow of length $2.2$2.2 m. At the same time, a tree casts a shadow of $6.2$6.2 m.


A school building reaching $h$h meters high casts a shadow of $30$30 m while a $3$3 m high tree casts a shadow of $6$6 m. Solve for $h$h.

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The student will, given information in the form of a figure or statement, prove and justify two triangles are similar using direct and indirect proofs, and solve problems, including those in context, involving measured attributes of similar triangles.


Use definitions, postulates, and theorems (including Side-Angle-Side (SAS); Side-Side-Side (SSS); and Angle-Angle (AA)) to prove and justify that triangles are similar.


Use algebraic methods to prove that triangles are similar.


Solve problems, including those in context involving attributes of similar triangles

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