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5.03 Quotient rule

Quotient rule


Expand each of the expressions for the given values:

ExpressionValuesSubstitute valuesExpanded formSimplified exponential form
  1. What do you notice about the relationship between the exponents in the simplified form and the original exponents?
  2. What happens to the base when you divide two expressions with the same base?

If we wanted to simplify the expression a^{6} \div a^{2}, we could write it as:

The image shows the division of a raised to the power of 6 by a to the power of 2. There are 6 blue a's multiplied in the numerator and 2 green a's multiplied in the denominator. 2 blue a's and 2 green a's are shown divided out. There are 4 a's remaining in the numerator.

We can see that common factors are divided out of the expanded expression, leaving a^4.

Consider the expression a^{6} \div a^{2}, which can be written as \dfrac{a^6}{a^2}.

Let's think about what this would look like if we expanded the expression:

\dfrac{a^6}{a^2} = \dfrac{a\cdot a \cdot a \cdot a \cdot a \cdot a}{a\cdot a}

\dfrac{a^6}{a^2} = \dfrac{a\cdot a \cdot a \cdot a }{1} \cdot \dfrac{a \cdot a}{a \cdot a}

\dfrac{a^6}{a^2} = \dfrac{a^4}{1} \cdot 1= a^4

We can avoid having to write each expression in expanded form by using the quotient rule: \dfrac{a^{m}}{a^{n}}=a^{m-n} where a is any base number, and m and n are powers.

That is, when dividing terms with a common base:

  • Keep the same base

  • Find the difference in the power.

Of course, we can also write this rule in the form a^{m}\div a^{n} = a^{m-n}

When using the quotient rule for exponents, the coefficients are handled separately from the exponents. Let's take a look at an example.


  • Divide the numerical coefficients: 12\div 2 =6

  • Apply the quotient rule to the exponents: \dfrac{x^5}{x^2} = x^{5-2}=x^3

The final result is:\dfrac{12x^5}{2x^2} = 6x^3


Example 1

Simplify the following expressions:



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Expand and simplify the expressions in the quotient.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle \dfrac{z^{14}}{z^{3}}\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z }{z \cdot z \cdot z }Expand the expressions
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{\cancel z \cdot \cancel z \cdot \cancel z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z \cdot z }{\cancel z \cdot \cancel z \cdot \cancel z }Divide the like terms
\displaystyle =\displaystyle z^{11}Simplify the expression

So, \dfrac{z^{14}}{z^{3}} simplifies to z^{11}.

Reflect and check

We can instead use the rule of exponents which states that when we divide terms with the same base, we subtract the exponents.

\displaystyle \dfrac{z^{14}}{z^{3}}\displaystyle =\displaystyle z^{14-3}Subtract the exponents
\displaystyle z^{14-3}\displaystyle =\displaystyle z^{11}Simplify the exponent

\dfrac{6 m^{9} n^{7}}{2 m^{4} n^{5}}

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We can simplify the fractions and use the rule of exponents which states that when we divide terms with the same base, we subtract the exponents.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle \dfrac{6 m^{9} n^{7}}{2 m^{4} n^{5}}\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{6}{2} \cdot \dfrac{m^9}{m^4} \cdot \dfrac{n^7}{n^5}Rewrite the quotient as a product of quotients
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 3 m^{9-4} n^{7-5}Divide the coefficients and apply the quotient rule
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 3 m^{5} n^{2}Simplify the exponents

So, \dfrac{6 m^{9} n^{7}}{2 m^{4} n^{5}} simplifies to 3 m^{5} n^{2}.

Idea summary

The quotient rule for exponents:

\displaystyle \dfrac{a^{m}}{a^{n}}=a^{m-n}
is any base number
is a power
is a power

That is, when dividing terms with a common base:

  • Keep the same base

  • Find the difference in the power.

Power of a quotient rule


Consider the mathematical expression \left(\dfrac{a}{b}\right)^n

Complete the table below by writing the expanded forms of the expressions and then simplifying your expressions:

ExpressionExpanded formSimplify as the quotient of two powers
\left(\dfrac{2}{3} \right) ^2\dfrac{2^⬚}{3^⬚}
\left(\dfrac{4}{5} \right)^3
\left(\dfrac{6}{5} \right)^4
\left(\dfrac{3}{4} \right)^2
\left(\dfrac{5}{2} \right)^3
  1. Can you identify any patterns or relationships between the original expression and the expanded form?

  2. Can you write a rule based on your observations?

When the power is applied to the entire quotient, we use the power of a power rule to write an expression for the power of a quotient rule as:\left(\dfrac{a}{b}\right)^{n} = \dfrac{a^{n}}{b^{n}}

Consider the expression \left(\dfrac{a}{b}\right)^5

This can be expanded as \left(\dfrac{a}{b}\right)^5 = \left(\dfrac{a\cdot a \cdot a \cdot a \cdot a}{b\cdot b\cdot b\cdot b\cdot b}\right) = \dfrac{(a^5)}{(b^5)} = \dfrac{a^5}{b^5}. Keep in mind we cannot simplify this any further because a and b are different bases.


Example 2

Simplify the following expressions:



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The power of a quotient rule of exponents states that \left(\dfrac{a}{b}\right)^n=\dfrac{a^n}{b^n}. Apply this rule to the given expression.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle \left(\dfrac{2x^6}{3y^3}\right)^4\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{(2)^4 (x^6)^4}{(3)^4 (y^3)^4}Apply the power of a quotient rule
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{(2)^4x^{24}}{(3)^4y^{12}}Apply the power rule
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{16x^{24}}{81y^{12}}Evaluate the exponents

So, the simplified form of \left(\dfrac{2x^6}{3y^3}\right)^4 is \dfrac{16x^{24}}{81y^{12}}.

Reflect and check

Notice that the expression cannot be simplified further, as the bases in the numerator and denominator are not the same and the numerical coefficients are fully simplified.


\left( \dfrac{a^6 b^4}{a^2 b} \right) ^{3}

Worked Solution
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We can apply the power of a quotient rule and the quotient rule to simplify the expression.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle \left( \dfrac{a^6 b^4}{a^2 b} \right) ^{3}\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{a^{18} b^{12}}{a^{6} b^{3}}Apply the power of a quotient rule
\displaystyle =\displaystyle a^{18-6} b^{12-3}Apply the quotient rule
\displaystyle =\displaystyle a^{12} b^9Evaluate the subtraction

Therefore, \left( \dfrac{a^6 b^4}{a^2 b} \right) ^{3} simplifies to a^{12} b^{9}.

Idea summary

When we raise a fraction to a power, we can use the power of a quotient rule: \left(\dfrac{a}{b}\right)^{n} = \dfrac{a^{n}}{b^{n}}



The student will derive and apply the laws of exponents.


Derive the laws of exponents through explorations of patterns, to include products, quotients, and powers of bases.


Simplify multivariable expressions and ratios of monomial expressions in which the exponents are integers, using the laws of exponents.

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