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5.01 Exploring sequences


Throughout all math courses, we study and describe many different number patterns like even numbers, square numbers, triangular numbers, and many others. Here we look at how we can use expressions to describe patterns in number sequences with a combination of recursive and subscript notation.

Sequences in recursive notation


A list of numbers that follow a specific pattern

Each number in a sequence is called a term. Sequences can be finite or infinite.

Finite sequence

A sequence that has a fixed number of terms


-1,-\dfrac{3}{4},-\dfrac{2}{4},-\dfrac{1}{4}, 0

Infinite sequence

A sequence with terms that are unending


2,4,6,8,10, \ldots


Consider the following patterns.

A pattern of connected circles, labeled Pattern i. Step 1 has one circle, step 2 has two circles and step 3 has 3 circles.
A pattern of connected circles of different sizes, labeled Pattern ii. Step 1 has a big circle. Step 2 has 3 connected circles, one circle of the same size as the first circle  with two smaller circles connected by short segments on the left and right. Step 3 has 7 circles. Attached to the bigger circle are 2 sets of circles similar to pattern 2 connected at the left and right sides of the bigger circle.
A pattern of connected triangles, labeled Pattern iii. Step 1 has 5 triangles: 1 triangle in the first and second column, 3 triangles in the third column. Step 2 has 3 triangles: 1 triangle in the first column and 2 triangles in the second column. Step 3 has one triangle.
A pattern of connected squares, labeled Pattern iv. Step 1 has 6 squares: 3 squares on the first column, 2 squares on the second column and one square on the third column. step 2 has 8 squares. 4 squares in the first column, 2 squares in the second column and one square in the third and fourth column. Step 3 has 10 squares: 5 in the first column, 2 in the second column and 1 square in the third, fourth and fifth column.
  1. How could you describe these patterns in words?
  2. Which patterns could be finite, and which ones could be infinite?
  3. If we only consider the number of objects in each step, how could we represent the patterns mathematically?

To describe a pattern, we consider what is happening from one step to the next. When we use a previous step to describe what happens in the next step, we are using a recursive pattern.

Recursive pattern

A pattern which can be described by applying a rule to any term in the sequence to find the one after it

One of the most famous recursive patterns is the Fibonacci sequence.

1,\,1,\,2,\,3,\,5,\,8,\,13,\,21, \ldots

To get the next term of the sequence, we need to add the two previous terms. This is how we can describe the recursive pattern in words, but let's see how it can be represented mathematically.

The general rule for finding the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence in recursive notation is \\a_n=a_{n-2}+a_{n-1} where a_1=1 and a_2=1.

To understand the rule, we can begin by labeling each of the terms using the notation a_n where n represents the number of the term.

A sequence with first term of 1 over a sub 1, 2nd term of 1 over a sub 2, third term of blank over a sub 3, fourth term of blank over a sub 4, fifth term of blank over a sub 5, sixth term of blank a sub 6. An ellipses is at the end of the sixth term.

We are given the first two terms in the rule, so the next one we need to find is the third term, a_3. To find the third term, we are letting n=3. Plugging this into the rule, we get:

\displaystyle a_3\displaystyle =\displaystyle a_{3-2}+a_{3-1}
\displaystyle =\displaystyle a_1+a_2

In other words, we need to add the first two terms, a_1 and a_2, to find the third term, a_3.

\displaystyle a_3\displaystyle =\displaystyle a_1+a_2
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 1+1
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2

Now, we can use this rule to find the next term, a_4. In this case, n=4.

\displaystyle a_4\displaystyle =\displaystyle a_{4-2}+a_{4-1}
\displaystyle =\displaystyle a_2+a_3
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 1+2
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 3

Writing recursive rules relies on some specific notation:

first term
given term
previous term
next term

Each term of a sequence can be viewed as an ordered pair, \left(n,a_n\right), where the number of the term is the input and the value of the term is the output. Since each term (output) is identified by a unique term number (input), every sequence is also a function. The domain of a sequence will be some subset of the integers.


Example 1

Consider the following sequence:


Describe the recursive pattern in words.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

To find the recursive pattern, we need to figure out what is done to the first term to get the next term. Then, we should make sure that operation is applied to get all the terms in the sequence.

Apply the idea

To get from -7 to -3, we need to add 4. If we add 4 to -3, we get 1. Add 4 again, and we get 5. Add 4 once more, and we get 9.

Recursive pattern: add 4 to find the next term


Find the next 3 terms of the sequence.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

To find the next 3 terms, we simply need to add 4 to the last known term. We will keep adding 4 to find the other terms.

Apply the idea

\begin{aligned} 9+4 &= 13 \\ 13+4 &= 17 \\ 17+4 &= 21 \end{aligned}

The next 3 terms in the sequence are 13, 17, 21.


Write the recursive rule for this sequence, t_{n+1}, including the first term, t_1.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

This question is asking us to find the (n+1)th term. To do that, we need to use the previous term which would be t_n.

Apply the idea

t_{n+1}=t_n+4 where t_1=-7

Reflect and check

We can check this by finding the next terms. We already know the first term, so we can find the second term, t_2.


This is the second term given, so we're on the right track. Let's find the third term, t_3, next.


This also matches the third term given, so our rule is correct.

Example 2

A sequence is defined by the rule T_{n+2}=2\left(T_{n+1}-T_{n}\right) with T_{1}=-2 and T_2=0.

Find the first 6 terms of the sequence.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The first two terms are already given to us, and we can use the rule to find T_{3}, \, T_{4}, \, T_{5}, and T_{6}.

Apply the idea

For T_{3},\, n=1.


For T_{4}, \, n=2.


For T_5, \, n=3.


For T_{6}, \, n=4.


The first 6 terms of the sequence are -2, \, 0, \, 4, \, 8, \, 8, \, 0.

Example 3

In a certain sequence, the next term is found by doubling the previous term, then subtracting one.


Write the recursive rule, a_n.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Since the rule is defined to find a_n, the previous term is represented by a_{n-1}.

Apply the idea


Reflect and check

We would usually need to define the first term here as well, but we are not given any information about where the sequence begins. This rule describes the pattern, but it cannot help us find the terms of the sequence until we know at least one term in the sequence.


If a_1=-2, find a_5.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

This question is asking us to find the 5th term. We will need to find the second, third, and fourth terms before finding the 5th term.

Apply the idea





The 5th term is -47.

Example 4

Consider the graph of the pattern:


Write the recursive rule, T_{n+1}, and the initial term T_0.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Begin by identifying the points on the graph and labeling the corresponding term. The initial term will correspond to the leftmost point, \left(0,-8\right). The second term corresponds to \left(1,4\right). The third term corresponds to \left(2,-2\right), and the fourth term corresponds to \left(3,1\right).

Next, we need to determine what is happening to the outputs so that we can build the recursive rule.

Apply the idea

The initial term is T_0=-8.

The outputs are being multiplied by -\dfrac{1}{2} each time.

The recursive rule is T_{n+1}=-\dfrac{1}{2}T_n.

Reflect and check

Multiplying by -\dfrac{1}{2} is the same as dividing by -2, so we could also write the rule as T_{n+1}=-\dfrac{T_n}{2}.

Idea summary

Recursive rules can be written in different forms, but they represent the same sequence. For a sequence where we subtract 4 to find the next term, we can represent it in either of the following ways:

Given an initial term such as a_0=c or a_1=c,



For a recusive rule that uses two previous terms, the first two terms must be given.



Recognize that sequences are functions, sometimes defined recursively, whose domain is a subset of the integers.


Relate the domain of a function to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative relationship it describes.


Write a function that describes a relationship between two quantities.


Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for calculation from a context.

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