When we work on subtraction problems, it helps to remember some of the addition strategies we've used so far.
Let's find the value of 705 + 205, by partitioning the numbers.
Fill in the box with the missing number.
705 = 700 + ⬚
Fill in the box with the missing number.
205 = ⬚ + 5
Find the value of 705 + 205.
To add large numbers, we can first partition the numbers and then add their partitions.
Find the value of 93 - 24.
We can use a number line to subtract numbers, by plotting the first number and jumping left the number of spaces given by the second number.
We can also subtract using an algorithm, as we see in this video.
Find the value of 398 - 152.
We can subtract two numbers using a vertical algorithm. We start at the units column and move left.
Let's take a look at how a vertical algorithm helps us solve subtraction with large numbers.
Find the value of 81\,579 -27\,398.
When subtracting, especially when using the vertical algorithm, place value is really important. We want to make sure our numbers are lined up correctly before we subtract, and we start from the place to the far right.