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VCE 11 Methods 2023

7.07 Introduction to logarithms


Inverse of exponential functions

In mathematics, inverse functions can be thought of as opposites of each other, like opposite operations, e.g. addition & subtraction, multiplication & division. The inverse function of an exponential is called a logarithm, and it works like this:

Logarithmic form

If we have an exponential of the form:


this can be re-expressed as the logarithm:


and $b\ne1$b1 is called the base.

In other words, logarithms are useful when we are interested in finding the exponent needed ($x$x) to raise a certain base ($b$b) to a certain number ($a$a).

Did you know?

Base $10$10 logarithms, are also known as common logarithms and were originally looked up in a table of logs, prior to being able to evaluate them using calculators.  Since they are such a commonly used base, the notation for them was simplified and $\log_{10}a$log10a became simply $\log a$loga

Recognising that logarithms and exponents are inverses can also be very useful when simplifying problems. From the definition of logarithms, if $y=\log_ax$y=logax then $x=a^y$x=ay for any base $a$a.

Substituting $x=a^y$x=ay into $y=\log_ax$y=logax, notice that $y=\log_aa^y$y=logaay. Raising $a$a to the power $y$y, and then taking logs on that answer restores the original $y$y. In effect, they are reverse operations (they "undo" each other).

The reverse is true as well. If $y=\log_ax$y=logax is substituted into $x=a^y$x=ay, this gives $x=a^{\log_ax}$x=alogax. Again, taking the $\log_a$loga of $x$x, and then using that answer as the exponent that $a$a is raised to restores the original $x$x

Logarithms and exponents

The following are very useful for simplifying expressions involving both logarithms and exponents for any base $a$a:




Worked examples

example 1

Express $6^2=36$62=36 in logarithmic form

Think: Remember we want the exponent on its own and the logarithm on the other side.


$6$6 is the base and $2$2 is the exponent, so:



example 2

Rewrite in exponential form: $\log_432=2.5$log432=2.5

Think: Remember that in exponential form, we want to isolate the resulting number after having the base raised to the exponent


$32$32 is the result after raising the base $4$4 to the exponent $2.5$2.5, so:



Practice question

question 1

Evaluate $\log_216$log216.

Question 2

Rewrite the equation $\log_3\left(\frac{1}{3}\right)=-1$log3(13)=1 in exponential form.

Question 3

A function is defined as $f\left(x\right)=\log_2\left(x-2\right)$f(x)=log2(x2).

Evaluate $f\left(10\right)$f(10).


Natural logarithms


Natural logarithms are logarithms to the irrational base $e$e  (it cannot be written as a simple fraction) where $e\approx2.718281828459$e2.718281828459. The number $e$e has become one of the most important numbers in the natural sciences and is often called Euler's number after mathematician Leonhard Euler (pronounced "Oiler"). 

In most modern textbooks, logarithms to base $e$e have been given the special notation of $\ln x$lnx to indicate that it is the logarithm natural of $x$x.


Applying the definition

Recall from the definition of logarithms that if $y=\ln x=\log_ex$y=lnx=logex then $x=e^y$x=ey

So, substituting $x=e^y$x=ey into $y=\ln x$y=lnx, notice that $y=\ln e^y$y=lney. In other words, raising $e$e to the power $y$y, and then taking logs on that answer restores the original $y$y. In effect, they are reverse operations (they "undo" each other).

If $y=\ln x$y=lnx is substituted into $x=e^y$x=ey, this gives $x=e^{\ln x}$x=elnx. Again, taking the log of $x$x, and then using that answer as the exponent that $e$e is raised to, simply restores the original $x$x. Note that this is a specific application of the general case considered in the previous section where the base is $e$e.

Natural logarithms

The following are very useful for simplifying expressions involving the natural logarithm and $e$e:

$e^{\ln a}=a$elna=a

$\ln e^b=b$lneb=b


Worked examples

Example 3

Using the above argument, the expression $e^{\ln5.4}$eln5.4 is simply $5.4$5.4.

Also the expression $\ln e^{\sqrt{5}}$lne5 is simply $\sqrt{5}$5.


To solve $x\ln\left(\frac{1}{e^5}\right)=x^2+6$xln(1e5)=x2+6 we proceed as follows:

$x\ln\left(\frac{1}{e^5}\right)$xln(1e5) $=$= $x^2+6$x2+6
$x\ln\left(e^{-5}\right)$xln(e5) $=$= $x^2+6$x2+6
$-5x$5x $=$= $x^2+6$x2+6
$x^2+5x+6$x2+5x+6 $=$= $0$0
$\left(x+3\right)\left(x+2\right)$(x+3)(x+2) $=$= $0$0
$x$x $=$= $-3,-2$3,2
Example 5

To solve $\ln\left(\ln e^x\right)=\ln5$ln(lnex)=ln5, we should immediately observe the simplification on the left hand side, so that we are actually solving $\ln\left(x\right)=\ln5$ln(x)=ln5, from which it is clear that $x=5$x=5.

Example 6

To solve $e^{x+\ln9}=2e^{2x}+4$ex+ln9=2e2x+4 we proceed as follows:

$e^{x+\ln9}$ex+ln9 $=$= $2e^{2x}+4$2e2x+4
$e^x\times e^{\ln9}$ex×eln9 $=$= $2e^{2x}+4$2e2x+4
$9e^x$9ex $=$= $2\left(e^x\right)^2+4$2(ex)2+4
$2\left(e^x\right)^2-9\left(e^x\right)+4$2(ex)29(ex)+4 $=$= $0$0

Now set $u=e^x$u=ex and solve the quadratic equation in $u$u

$2u^2-9u+4$2u29u+4 $=$= $0$0
$\left(2u-1\right)\left(u-4\right)$(2u1)(u4) $=$= $0$0
$u$u $=$= $\frac{1}{2},4$12,4
$\therefore$ $e^x$ex $=$= $\frac{1}{2},4$12,4
$\therefore$  $x$x $=$= $\ln\frac{1}{2},\ln4$ln12,ln4
  $=$= $-\ln2,\ln4$ln2,ln4


Practice question

Question 4

Evaluate $\ln\left(\frac{1}{e^2}\right)$ln(1e2).

Question 5

Solve $\ln\left(\ln e^{-y}\right)=\ln3$ln(lney)=ln3.

question 6

Solve $e^{x+\ln8}=5e^x+3$ex+ln8=5ex+3.



the relationship between an exponential function to a given base and the logarithmic function to the same base as inverse functions


use of inverse functions and transformations to solve equations of the form Af(nx)+c, and f is sine, cosine, tangent or a^x, using exact or approximate values on a given domain


exponent laws and logarithm laws, including their application to the solution of simple exponential equations

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