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VCE 11 Methods 2023

6.01 Venn diagrams


Before calculating probabilities, it's worth becoming familiar with the language and notation for describing components in this topic. In probability, the sample space is a list of all the possible outcomes of an experiment.

Outcomes are the results of an experiment or trial. For example, think about flipping a coin. There are two possible outcomes - a head or a tail. So when we list (or write out) the sample space, we write:  


A sample space can be written using a list, table, set notation as above or a diagram such as a Venn or Tree diagram.

An event is a subset of the sample space and is often represented by a capital letter to abbreviate the description of the event in calculations. For example, in an experiment rolling a six-sided dice, let $E=\text{the event of rolling an even number}$E=the event of rolling an even number, $O=\text{the event of rolling an odd number}$O=the event of rolling an odd number and $A=\text{the event of rolling a number less than 3}$A=the event of rolling a number less than 3.

Then, the sample space is $S=\left\{1,2,3,4,5,6\right\}$S={1,2,3,4,5,6} and the events can be written as the sets $E=\left\{2,4,6\right\}$E={2,4,6}$O=\left\{1,3,5\right\}$O={1,3,5} and $A=\left\{1,2\right\}$A={1,2}.

Notation for probability

The notations commonly used in probability are related to function notation and also to the notations of set theory. This is because the range of possible outcomes of an experiment or observation is a set. We assign numbers - called probabilities - to subsets of these outcomes in the manner of a function.

Thus, the notation $Pr\left(A\right)$Pr(A) means 'The probability that event $A$A occurs'. 

Set notation

Set notation is often used in the study of probability. For this reason, it is worth reviewing some terms and properties of sets:

  • Each object in the set is called an element
  • We also use the symbol $\in$ to make statements about whether elements are part of the set or not. For example, $2\in\left\{1,2,3\right\}$2{1,2,3} and the symbol $\notin$ is used to indicate if something is not an element of the set. So $4\notin\left\{1,2,3\right\}$4{1,2,3}
  • Finite sets have a finite number of elements.  The number of elements in a set is also called the cardinality of the set, or order. For example, the set of odd numbers between $2$2 and $8$8 is the finite set $\left\{3,5,7\right\}${3,5,7} and has cardinality $3$3.
  • Infinite sets have an infinite number of elements. Examples could be the set of positive even numbers $\left\{2,4,6,8,...\right\}${2,4,6,8,...} the set of numbers on the interval between $1$1 and $5$5 that is $\left\{x\ |\ 1\le x\le5\right\}${x | 1x5}. What is the cardinality of these sets? Are they the same size?
  • The set of everything relevant to the question is called the universal set, and for probability questions, this is the sample space.
  • The empty set or the null set, is a set that has no elements in it. Write $\left\{\ \right\}${ }to represent the empty set. There is also a special symbol that is used to denote the empty set: $\varnothing$.
  •  $A$A is a subset of $B$B if and only if every element of $A$A is in $B$B.  Use the symbol $\subseteq$ to describe subsets. So $A\subseteq B$AB is read as $A$A is a subset of $B$B. We also have  the symbol $\not\subseteq$, for the "not a subset of" statement. ) If there is at least one element in $B$B that is not included in the subset $A$A, then we call this a proper subset, and use the symbol $\subset$.


Practice questions


Choose $\subseteq$ or $\not\subseteq$ to make each of the following statements true.

  1. $\left\{1,7,9\right\}${1,7,9}$\editable{}$$\left\{0,1,3,7,9\right\}${0,1,3,7,9}




  2. $\left\{0,4\right\}${0,4}$\editable{}$$\left\{0,3,4,5,7\right\}${0,3,4,5,7}




  3. $\left\{4,5,7\right\}${4,5,7}$\editable{}$$\left\{0,3,4,7,9\right\}${0,3,4,7,9}




  4. $\left\{0,1,5\right\}${0,1,5}$\editable{}$$\left\{0,1,3,7\right\}${0,1,3,7}







Just like how a road intersection is the place where two roads cross paths, an intersection of sets is where two sets overlap. Elements that appear in the intersection of sets are elements that have the same characteristic as both the individual sets. 

Mathematically, write the intersection of sets using the intersection symbol, $\cap$.  Interpret the intersection of $A$A and $B$B, $A\cap B$AB to be what appears in both set $A$A and set $B$B. It helps to relate $\cap$ to AND or to think of the symbol like a bridge joining both sets. 

For example

$A=\left\{5,10,15,20,25,30\right\}$A={5,10,15,20,25,30} and $B=\left\{6,12,18,24,30\right\}$B={6,12,18,24,30} then $A\cap B=\left\{30\right\}$AB={30}


If the intersection is the 'and' of mathematical sets, then the union is the OR.  $A\cup B$AB is the notation used, and this is read as the union of $A$A and $B$B. It is the set of the elements that are in either $A$A or $B$B.

For example

$A=\left\{5,11,16,17,20,25\right\}$A={5,11,16,17,20,25} and $B=\left\{4,12,15,25,30\right\}$B={4,12,15,25,30} then $A\cup B=\left\{4,5,11,12,15,16,17,20,25,30\right\}.$AB={4,5,11,12,15,16,17,20,25,30}.


Complementary events

A complement of an event is all outcomes that are NOT the event. If $A$A is the event then the complement is denoted $A'$A or sometimes $\overline{A}$A.

The following are examples of events and their complements:

  • If event $A$A is tossing a coin and getting $\left\{Heads\right\}${Heads}, the complement $A'$A is $\left\{\text{not a head}\right\}${not a head} which is $\left\{Tails\right\}${Tails}
  • If event $B$B is rolling a $6$6 sided die and getting $\left\{2\right\}${2}, then the complement $B'$B is $\left\{1,3,4,5,6\right\}${1,3,4,5,6}

Mutually exclusive events

If events are mutually exclusive, it means they cannot happen at the same time. 

Some examples of experiments that involve mutually exclusive events are:

  • Tossing a coin - Consider the events 'flipping a head' and 'flipping a tail'. You cannot flip a head and a tail at the same time. 
  • Rolling a die - Consider the events 'Rolling an even number' and 'rolling an odd number'. We can't roll any number which is both even and odd. 
  • Picking a card from a deck of cards - Consider the events 'Drawing a $7$7 card' and 'Drawing a $10$10 card'. They have no outcomes in common. There is no card that is both a $7$7 and a $10$10.

Since these events cannot both occur at the same time, they are mutually exclusive events.

However, some events can happen at the same time and these are called non-mutually exclusive. For example:

  • Picking a card from a deck of cards - Consider the events 'drawing a Club card' and 'drawing a $7$7'. They have outcomes in common. We could pick a card that is a Club and a $7$7, because I could get the $7$7 of clubs. 
  • Rolling a die - Consider the events 'Rolling an odd number' and 'Rolling a prime number'. They have outcomes in common, namely the numbers $3$3 and $5$5

Since these events can both occur at the same time,  they are not mutually exclusive events.

Venn diagrams

A Venn Diagram is a pictorial way to display relationships between different sets.  The idea of a Venn diagram was first introduced by John Venn in the late 1800's and they are still one of the most powerful visualisations for relationships.

Worked example 

Example 1

For the numbers between $2$2 and $20$20, let $E=\left\{\text{even numbers}\right\}$E={even numbers}, and $M=\left\{\text{multiplies of 3}\right\}$M={multiplies of 3}.  

Place the numbers in the appropriate sections. For each number, consider: Is the number even? Is it a multiple of $3$3?  Is it both? or Is it none of those options?  

Take note of how the numbers that do not fit into either set are placed outside the circles, but still within the bounds of the universal set.

Using Venn Diagrams when solving problems about sets will require being able to identify, using set notation, the regions in the Venn Diagram. The following applet will let you explore the different regions.  


Practice questions

Question 2

A standard six-sided die is rolled.

  1. List the sample space.

    (Separate outcomes with a comma)

  2. List the sample space for rolling a number strictly less than $3$3. Separate outcomes with a comma.

  3. List the sample space for rolling a number divisible by $3$3. Separate outcomes with a comma.

  4. List the sample space for rolling an even number. Separate outcomes with a comma.

Question 3

Question 4

How could the probability of the event $A$A: "getting a number greater than 3 when a die is rolled" be written using probability notation?

Select the three the correct options.

  1. $P\left(A\right)$P(A)


    $P$P$($(rolling a die$)$)






    $P$P$($(greater than 3$)$)




Question 5

question 6

The sets $U=\left\{20,8,26,3,15\right\}$U={20,8,26,3,15} and $V=\left\{20,8,26,3,15,2,24,10,27\right\}$V={20,8,26,3,15,2,24,10,27} are such that there are no other elements outside of these two sets.

  1. Is $U$U a subset or proper subset of $V$V?

    A subset.


    A proper subset.

  2. State the cardinality of $U$U.

  3. List the elements of $U'$U.

  4. List the elements of the universal set. State the elements on the same line, separated by a comma.

  5. Which set is $V'$V?

    The set $\left\{20,8,26\right\}${20,8,26}.


    The empty set $\varnothing$.


    The set $\left\{20,26,3,15\right\}${20,26,3,15}.


Question 7

Consider the diagram below.

List all of the items in:

  1. $A\cap C$AC

  2. $\left(B\cap C\right)'$(BC)

  3. $A\cap B\cap C$ABC



forms of representation of sample spaces and events


probability of elementary and compound events and their representation as lists, grids, Venn diagrams, tables and tree diagrams

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