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VCE 12 Methods 2023

4.07 Graphs of logarithms


Graphs of logarithmic functions

For any given base, $b$b, the graph of a logarithmic function $y=\log_bx$y=logbx is related to the graph of the exponential function $y=b^x$y=bx. In particular, they are a reflection of each other across the line $y=x$y=x. This is because exponential and logarithmic functions are inverse functions. It may be useful to re-visit exponential graphs and their transformations before working through this section.

Graphs of $b^x$bx and $\log_bx$logbx, for $b>1$b>1

As $b^x$bx and $\log_bx$logbx are a reflection of each other, we can observe the following properties of the graphs of logarithmic functions of the form $y=\log_bx$y=logbx:

  • Domain: the argument, $x$x, is restricted to only positive values. That is, $x>0$x>0.
  • Range: all real $y$y values can be obtained.
  • Asymptotes: there is a vertical asymptote at $x=0$x=0 (on the $y$y-axis) for any logarithmic function of the form $y=\log_bx$y=logbx, regardless of the base. As a result, there is no $y$y-intercept.
  • $x$x-intercept: The logarithm of $1$1 is $0$0, irrespective of the base used. As a result, the graph of $y=\log_bx$y=logbx intersects the $x$x-axis at $\left(1,0\right)$(1,0).

Two particular log curves from the family of log functions with $b>1$b>1 are shown below. The top curve is the graph of the function $f\left(x\right)=\log_2\left(x\right)$f(x)=log2(x), and the bottom curve is the graph of the function $g\left(x\right)=\log_4\left(x\right)$g(x)=log4(x), as labelled.

The points shown on each curve help to demonstrate the way the gradient of the curve changes as $b$b increases in value. The larger the value of the base the less steep the graph is. Each graph will pass through $\left(b,1\right)$(b,1), since the $\log_bb=1$logbb=1. Thus, the higher base graph will appear closer to the $x$x-axis.

Just as for exponential functions if the base $b$b is greater than $1$1 then the function increases across the entire domain and for $00<b<1 the function decreases across its domain. This course will focus on logarithmic functions with bases greater than $1$1.


Practice question

Question 1

Consider the function $y=\log_4x$y=log4x, the graph of which has been sketched below.

Loading Graph...

  1. Complete the following table of values.

    $x$x $\frac{1}{16}$116 $\frac{1}{4}$14 $4$4 $16$16 $256$256
    $y$y $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$
  2. Determine the $x$x-value of the $x$x-intercept of $y=\log_4x$y=log4x.

  3. How many $y$y-intercepts does $\log_4x$log4x have?

  4. Determine the $x$x value for which $\log_4x=1$log4x=1.

Question 2

The functions $y=\log_2x$y=log2x and $y=\log_3x$y=log3x have been graphed on the same set of axes.

Loading Graph...

  1. Using the labels $A$A and $B$B, state which graph corresponds to each function.

    $y=\log_2x$y=log2x is labelled $\editable{}$ and $y=\log_3x$y=log3x is labelled $\editable{}$.

  2. Which of the following multiple choice answers completes the statement?

    "The larger the base $a$a of the function $y=\log_ax$y=logax, ..."

    ...the further the asymptote is from the $y$y-axis.


    ...the less steep the graph.


    ...the steeper the graph.


    ...the further the $x$x-intercept is from the $y$y-axis





graphs of the following functions: power functions, y=x^n; exponential functions, y=a^x, in particular y = e^x ; logarithmic functions, y = log_e(x) and y=log_10(x) ; and circular functions, 𝑦 = sin(𝑥) , 𝑦 = cos (𝑥) and 𝑦 = tan(𝑥) and their key features


identify key features and properties of the graph of a function or relation and draw the graphs of specified functions and relations, clearly identifying their key features and properties, including any vertical or horizontal asymptotes


the concept of an inverse function, connection between domain and range of the original function and its inverse relation and the conditions for existence of an inverse function, including the form of the graph of the inverse function for specified functions


sketch by hand graphs of polynomial functions up to degree 4; simple power functions, y=x^n where n in N, y=a^x, (using key points (-1, 1/a), (0,1), and (1,a); log x base e; log x base 10; and simple transformations of these


functions and their inverses, including conditions for the existence of an inverse function, and use of inverse functions to solve equations involving exponential, logarithmic, circular and power functions

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