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2.02 Proving lines parallel


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Select the diagram showing a pair of parallel lines:

Two lines with arrowheads at their endpoints indicating that the lines extend indefinitely in both directions. Both lines have an identical arrow marking, pointing in the same direction.


Two lines with arrowheads at their endpoints indicating that the lines extend indefinitely in both directions. The arrowheads pointing at the top right direction are closer to each other than the arrowheads pointing at the bottom left direction.


Two lines with arrowheads at their endpoints indicating that the lines extend indefinitely in both directions. The arrowheads pointing at the left direction are closer to each other than the arrowheads pointing at the right direction.


Two lines with arrowheads at their endpoints indicating that the lines extend indefinitely in both directions. The arrowheads pointing at the top left direction are closer to each other than the arrowheads pointing at the bottom right direction.

< 1min

Select the diagram showing a pair of parallel segments:

< 1min

Eileen was given the following diagram, in which $m\angle ABE=m\angle BEF=62^\circ$mABE=mBEF=62°. She immediately marked the parallel symbols on the diagram to show that $\overleftrightarrow{AB}\parallel\overleftrightarrow{DE}$ABDE .

< 1min

Consider this diagram and answer the questions that follow:

< 1min
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Prove theorems about lines and angles. Theorems include: vertical angles are congruent; when a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent and corresponding angles are congruent; points on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are exactly those equidistant from the segment's endpoints.


Make formal geometric constructions with a variety of tools and methods (compass and straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). Copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a segment; bisecting an angle; constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line.

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