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3.01 Operations with polynomials


We discovered how to add, subtract, and multiply polynomials in Algebra 1 lesson  9.01 Adding and subtracting polynomials  and lesson  9.02 Multiplying polynomials  . This lesson will be a review of the vocabulary and the properties of polynomial operations.

Operations with polynomials

In Algebra 1, we learned the following definitions related to polynomials:


The sum or difference of terms which have variables raised to non-negative integer powers and coefficients that are constant

Leading coefficient

The coefficient of the leading term

Degree (of a polynomial)

The value of the highest exponent on a variable in the polynomial

The term which has a fixed value and no variables is called the constant term. The term with highest exponent on the variable is called the leading term, and the exponent of this term is the degree of the polynomial.

The standard form of a polynomial is a_n x^n + a_{n - 1} x^{n - 1} + \ldots + a_1 x + a_0, where n is a non-negative integer and each a_i is a coefficient.

A polynomial expression labeled with its parts written as: p of x is equal to a sub n times x to the nth power plus a sub n minus 1 times x to the power of n minus 1 plus ellipsis plus a sub 2 times x squared plus a sub 1 times x plus a sub 0. a sub n times x to the nth power is the leading term, a sub n is the leading coefficient and the power n is the degree. In the term a sub n minus 1 times x to the power of n inus 1, a sub n minus 1 is the coefficient. The term a sub 2 times x squared is the quadratic term, a sub 1 times x is the linear term, and a sub 0 is the constant term.

Polynomials may be in more than one variable. In this case, the degree of a term will be the sum of the exponents for all variables.

General examplea_i x^m y^n + a_{i - 1} x^{m - 1}y^{n-1} + \ldots + a_1 xy + a_0m+n
Numerical example3xy^3+2xy+11y+34

Polynomials can also have names specific to the number of terms they have. A monomial is a polynomial with one term. A binomial is a polynomial with two terms. A trinomial is a polynomial with three terms.


In the definition of polynomials, the constant coefficients are multiplied to the variables, the variables are raised to non-negative integer powers, and the terms are added and subtracted together. This allows the function to be one, smooth curve with no breaks, holes, sharp turns, or stopping points.

Use technology to graph the following functions:

  • y=x^2+2x-1
  • y=-3x^{5}-4x^{4}+2x^{3}+x^{2}-0.2x
  • y=4x^3+\frac{1}{x}
  • y=2\sqrt{x}
  • y=|x|
  1. Determine if the function is a polynomial and explain your answer.

One way to determine if an expression or equation is a polynomial is to examine its graph. The graph of a polynomial is a function with one smooth curve over a continuous domain. A polynomial will not have a negative exponent on a variable, a rational exponent on a variable, or have a variable in absolute value bars.

In Algebra 1, we explored the fact that polynomials are closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication. This means that the sum, product, or difference of polynomials will also be a polynomial.

Addition: if we assume m<n,

General example\left(a_{n}x^{n}+\ldots +a_{0}\right)+\left(b_{m}x^{m}+\ldots +b_{0}\right)=\\a_{n}x^n+\ldots +\left(a_m+b_m\right)x^m+\ldots +\left(a_0+b_0\right)
Numerical example\left(2.7x^5-1.8x^3+0.9x-2\right)+\left(3.8x^4+2x^3-x+5.1\right)=\\ 2.7x^5+3.8x^4+0.2x^3-0.1x+3.1

By definition, m and n will be non-negative integers, and the coefficients will remain constant. Therefore, the result is another polynomial.

Subtraction will work the same way as addition. Assuming m<n,

General example\left(a_{n}x^{n}+\ldots+a_{0}\right)-\left(b_{m}x^{m}+\ldots +b_{0}\right)=\\a_{n}x^n+\ldots +\left(a_m-b_m\right)x^m+\ldots +\left(a_0-b_0\right)
Numerical example\left(\frac{2}{3}x^4+\frac{3}{5}x^2+\frac{1}{2}\right)-\left(\frac{1}{4}x^3+\frac{3}{5}x^2+\frac{4}{7}x+\frac{3}{4}\right)=\\ \frac{2}{3}x^4-\frac{1}{4}x^3-\frac{4}{7}x-\frac{1}{4}

The coefficients will remain constant, and the exponents will be non-negative integers. The result is another polynomial.

To multiply polynomials, we apply the distributive property which will require us to use the product of powers property of exponents when multiplying variables:

General example\left(a_{n}x^{n}+\ldots+a_{0}\right)\left(b_{m}x^{m}+\ldots +b_{0}\right)=\\ \left(a_{n}b_{m}\right)x^{n+m}+\ldots+\left(a_{n}b_0\right)x^n+\ldots+\left(a_{0}b_m\right)x^m+\ldots+\left(a_0b_0\right)
Numerical example\left(5x^2+2x+1\right)\left(x^2-3x+5\right)= 5x^4-13x^3+20x^2+7x+5

Because n and m were non-negative integers, n+m will also be non-negative. The exponents will still be constants, so the result is another polynomial.


Example 1

Determine whether each of the following can be classified as a polynomial.



Worked Solution
Create a strategy

To be a polynomial, all coefficients must be constant, and all exponents must be non-negative integers.

Apply the idea

The coefficients 5,\dfrac{4}{3}, and -2 are all real number constants. The exponents on the variables are all non-negative. Therefore, this is a polynomial.

Reflect and check

There are 3 terms in this polynomial, so it is a trinomial. The leading coefficient is 5, and the degree of the polynomial is 3.



Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We can use the negative exponent property to rewrite this expression.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle \dfrac{4}{x-3}\displaystyle =\displaystyle 4(x-3)^{-1}Negative exponent property

Because there is a variable with a negative exponent, this is not a polynomial.

Reflect and check

We will eventually learn that this is a rational expression. Rational functions have asymptotes that separate the graph into multiple pieces. Therefore, it is not continuous.

In general, whenever there is a variable in the denominator, it is not a polynomial expression or equation.



Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Before looking at the coefficients and exponents, we need to make sure the expression is fully simplified. For this equation, the constant can be rewritten as a fraction.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle f(x)\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{6x^2y}{5}-\sqrt{2}xy+0.5xy^2-4^{-1}Given function
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \dfrac{6x^2y}{5}-\sqrt{2}xy+0.5xy^2-\dfrac{1}{4}Negative exponent property

The coefficients \dfrac{6}{5}, \sqrt{2}, 0.5, and \dfrac{1}{4} are all real number constants. The exponents on the variables are all non-negative, so this is a polynomial.

Example 2

Consider the polynomial expression \left(x^2y + 4xy - x^2\right) - \left(5xy^2 - 2xy + 9\right).


Fully simplify the polynomial expression.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We can simplify this expression by combining like terms. To do so, we must be careful to apply the subtraction to each term in the second polynomial. Also, remember that like terms must have the same variables with the same exponents.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle \left(x^2y + 4xy - x^2\right) - \left(5xy^2 - 2xy + 9\right)\displaystyle =\displaystyle x^2y + 4xy - x^2 - 5xy^2 + 2xy - 9Distributive property
\displaystyle =\displaystyle x^2y + 6xy - x^2 - 5xy^2 - 9Combine like terms

State the degree of the simplified polynomial.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We will begin by finding the sum of the exponents for each term. The degree is the maximum sum.

Apply the idea

Both the terms x^2y and -5xy^2 have degree 3, so this polynomial has degree 3.

Reflect and check

For polynomials in more than one variable, there may be more than one way to define the leading term or leading coefficient. It depends on how you define the monomial order. As an extension, conduct your own research and see what you can learn about monomial order.

Example 3

Form a fully simplified polynomial expression for the perimeter of the rectangle shown.

A rectangle with a length of 1.6 x plus 9 halves y and width of one half x plus 0.4 y.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The perimeter of a shape is the sum of its side lengths. In this case, the shape is a rectangle, so we can add the two labeled side lengths and then double the result.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle P\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2\left(l+w\right)Formula for perimeter
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2\left(1.6x + \dfrac{9}{2}y + \dfrac{1}{2}x + 0.4y\right)Substitute expressions for the length and width
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2\left(1.6x + 4.5y + 0.5x + 0.4y\right)Rewrite the fractions as decimals
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2\left(2.1x + 4.9y\right)Combine like terms
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 4.2x + 9.8yDistributive property
Reflect and check

We could alternatively have doubled each side length first, then added the two results:

\displaystyle \text{Perimeter}\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2\left(1.6x + 4.5y\right) + 2\left(0.5x +0.4y\right)
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 3.2x + 9y + x + 0.8yDistributive property
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 4.2x + 9.8yCombine like terms

Doing so gives the same result for the perimeter.

Example 4

Fully simplify the polynomial expression \left(3 + 2a\right)^3.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

To simplify this expression we can rewrite the exponent as repeated multiplication, then carefully multiply each term in one factor by each term in the next factor.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle \left(3 + 2a\right)^3\displaystyle =\displaystyle \left(3 + 2a\right)\left(3 + 2a\right)\left(3 + 2a\right)Rewrite the exponent as multiplication
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \left(9 + 12a + 4a^2\right)\left(3 + 2a\right)Multiply the first two factors as a PST
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 27 + 36a + 12a^2 + 18a + 24a^2 + 8a^3Multiply the two remaining factors
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 27 + 54a + 36a^2 + 8a^3Combine like terms
Reflect and check

Notice that the leading term (the term with the highest power of the variable) for this polynomial is 8a^3, even though this is not the first term that is written.

Example 5

A rectangular swimming pool is 16\text{ yds} long and 6\text{ yds} wide. It is surrounded by a pebble path of uniform width x\text{ yds}.

A rectangular swimming pool with length 16 yards, and width 6 yards. A path forms a rectangle around the pool x yards in width from each side of the pool.

Find an expression for the area of the path in terms of x. Fully simplify your answer.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The area of the path will be the area of the larger rectangle minus the area of the pool.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle A_{\text{path}}\displaystyle =\displaystyle A_{\text{large rectangle}}-A_{\text{pool}}Equation for area of the path
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \left(16+2x\right)\left(6+2x\right)-\left(16\right)\left(6\right)Substitute expressions for each area
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 96 +32x+12x+4x^2-96Distributive property
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 4x^2+44xCombine like terms

A_{\text{path}}=\left(4 x^{2} + 44 x\right)\text{ yd}^2

Idea summary

A polynomial is an expression or equation with constant coefficients and non-negative integer exponenets. Polynomials are closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication which means the sum, difference, or product of polynomials is another polynomial.



Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.

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