Rochelle and Mohamad are sister and brother. Rochelle's age is $11$11 more than $4$4 times the age of Mohamad. The sum of their ages is $21$21.
This problem can be represented by the following system of equations:
Equation 1: $y+x=21$y+x=21
Equation 2: $y=4x+11$y=4x+11
Sketch the two lines representing these equations on the graph below.
Write down the solution to the system of equations as an ordered pair $\left(x,y\right)$(x,y).
How old is Rochelle?
How old is Mohamad?
Quiana and Fred work together on an assignment. They have broken down the work into $6$6 parts of the same size. Quiana works at $3$3 times the speed of Fred but has $6$6 pieces of work to do for another subject.
This problem can be represented by the following system of equations:
Consider the following graph that displays a system of two equations:
Consider the following graph that displays a system of two equations: